Autumn 2010: Strong ActivityOn 27th November 2010, Magmatrek guide Mario Pruiti and Marco Fulle led a TV crew from Japan on Pizzo. The activity was very strong, with about fifty eruptions observed in the evening, many of which ejecting scoria higher than Pizzo. This strong activity has been going on since October, when several short-lived lava flows were erupted by a hornito on the Sciara del Fuoco rim and crossed the crater terrace towards the central craters. The focal length of the camera lenses is given with each photo (DSLR, 16x24mm sensor) |
 f=10mm. Sunset on Pizzo with, Salina (left) and crater terrace (lower right). |  f=85mm. Continuous and intensive spattering from the main vent in the SW crater. |  f=20mm. Stronger eruption at the SW vent. A rough aa flow between central and NE craters. |  f=20mm. Mild spattering at SW crater and glowing vents in the two NE craters. |
 f=20mm. Simultaneous eruptions from two vents in the lower NE crater and a strong one from the SW crater. |  f=20mm. The upper NE crater also erupts lava jets from two vents. The SW crater continues its strong eruptions. |  f=20mm. Some scoria from the lower NE crater rise as high as the horizon as well. Fainter eruption from the central crater. |  f=20mm. The Grand Finale: this impressive eruption from the SW crater drops bombs all over the crater terrace. |