Weather imagesThe climate on Stromboli is typically mediterranean with fairly hot, dry summers. Most precipitation falls in autumn and winter. The total annual rainfall in Stromboli village is around 570 mm on average. Since there are no permanent streams and no reliable springs on the island, water has to be collected on roofs and verandes and stored in underground reservoirs. Today the demand for fresh water has grown to such an extent that tankers have to deliver water from the mainland up to several times a week during summertime. The following images give an impression of the variety and types of weather on Stromboli: |
 Altocumulus clouds on a calm autumn day (JA). |  The rising sun illuminates altocumulus clouds from below (JA). |  Before a first October storm hits the island boats need to be secured (JA). |  Sunrise behind cirrus clouds; multiple exposure (JA). |  Thunderstorm passing behind Strombolicchio (MF). |
 Eruption with thunderstorm inthe background (JA). |  Stromboli's shadow on a clear spring evening (JA). |  The coast during a storm... (JA). |  ...and in calm spring weather (same location; JA). |  Strange light on Stromboli and Strombolicchio (MF). |
 Clear view of the craters during Scirocco storm (JA). |  Scirocco blows the smoke down to the sea (JA). |  Cold front approaching (JA). |  Miniature tornado (note small cloud on sea surface; JA). |  Cumulus clouds over mainland Italy (MF). |
 Miniature tornado after a cold front has passed through (JA). |  Heavy rain clouds over Sicily (JA). |  Shadow of distant clouds on nearer altocumuli (JA). |  Altocumuli illuminated by rising sun (JA). |  Cumulonimbus cloud: A thunderstorm approaching (MF). |