April-May-June 2002 Stromboli's activity was at a low level in April and May 2002. Both, the SW and NE crater erupted around 4 times per hour, with relatively little ash being emitted. Eruptions were strongly directed away from Pizzo, i.e. towards Sciara del Fuoco. This made the eruptions appear relatively large as seen from below, like from the tourist boats, but not very impressive from Pizzo itself. The new hole between SW and NE craters, recently created during an unusually strong explosion, often showed prominent glow, and for most of the time produced low frequency noises and light permanent spattering. The first two rows of pictures were recorded by J. Alean (JA).
In early June, after some weeks of extremely low eruptive activity, the number of eruptions started to increase again. Particularly strong activity was observed by M. Fulle (MF) in the night of 8. to 9.6.2002. Prominent eruptions of NE crater (which displayed continuos spattering), smaller and longer ones by SW crater and rare events at the new central crater are documented in the last two rows of photos. |
 26.4.2002, f=24mm. From Pizzo. Overview of crater terrace. On the left steam is rising from the SW, on the right from the NE crater. Between the two the newly formed central crater with strong glow (JA). |  26.4.2002, f=135mm. From Pizzo. Weak but permanent lava spattering from the central crater (JA). |  29.4.2002, f=50mm. From ridge S of Pizzo. Small eruption from SW crater directed towards the W. Tourist boats in the background (JA). |  29.4.2002, f=50mm. From ridge S of Pizzo. Small eruption from SW crater. During the 20min exposure the boats in the background moved (left) (JA). |
 29.4.2002, f=50mm. From ridge S of Pizzo. During the 20min exposure the planets Mercury and Venus and the Plejads set (JA). |  29.4.2002, f=50mm. Somewhat later Mars and Saturn follow. Note dimming of planet and star trails towards horizon due to increasing extinction (JA). |  1.5.2002, f=135mm. From Punta Labronzo. Eruption of NE crater. Lights on Pizzo (upper left) are from tourists,; above them an aeroplane. Descending tourists in the foreground. Stars formed trails during 40min exposure (JA). |  1.5.2002, f=135mm. From Punta Labronzo. Enlarged section of 20min exposure; eruption of NE crater. Scirocco blows steam towards the right and down over Sciara del Fuoco (JA). |
 9.6.2002 (morning), f=50mm. Big explosion at NE crater (MF). |  9.6.2002 (morning), f=28mm. Eruptions at NE (right) and SW crater (left, with ash) (MF). |  9.6.2002 (morning), f=28mm. Eruption at central and NE crater at dawn. Trails of ships' lights in background (MF). |  9.6.2002 (morning), f=50mm. Image sequence of one major eruption of NE crater at dawn (MF). |
 27.6.2002 (dusk), f=28mm from Bastimento. Short eruption at NE crater. The westerly wind drags the steam towards Pizzo (MF). |  27.6.2002 (dusk), f=28mm. Bigger eruption at NE crater. Venus in the sky on the right (MF). |  27.6.2002 (dusk), f=28mm. Shortly after a NE crater eruption, also SW crater erupts. Venus is setting below the constellation of Leo (MF). |  28.6.2002 (before dawn), f=28mm from the sea below Sciara (MF). |
Copyright: J. Alean, M. Fulle. |