May 2006: Strong Activity Continues
In late May 2006, Marco Fulle led a VolcanoDiscovery group to Stromboli and visited Pizzo with local guides on two evenings. Mild Scirocco caused excellent visibility of the craters, which were erupting every two to five minutes. All photos were taken between 8pm and 9pm from Pizzo (GMT + 2hr) with a 50mm lens and a digicam (equivalent focal length of 75mm on 24x36 film).
 24 May. Panorama of all the crater terrace (scroll to right! 4 picture composite).
|  22 May. Ash eruption from a cinder cone on the Sciara rim of NE crater.
|  22 May. The small glowing vent below the cinder cone at left strongly erupts.
|  22 May. The cinder cone in NE crater erupts both ash and incandescent bombs.
 24 May. In the SW crater, a small cinder cone erupts for a whole a minute.
|  24 May. Lapilli and ash from the same fountain even falls on Pizzo.
|  24 May. The easternmost vent in NE crater erupts incandescent bombs and ash.
|  24 May. This vent erupts again; a longer exposure blurrs the ash cloud.
 On 22 May, the two easternmost vents of NE crater always erupted simultaneously.
|  22 May. The eruption from the small left vent lasts a whole minute, while the right one's is much shorter.
|  On 22 May. The big cinder cone on the NE crater's Sciara rim also erupted ash and bombs.
|  22 May. The same eruption continues throwing ash skywards and bombs on the cone's flanks.
Copyright: M. Fulle.