Lateral Eruption 2002: The North FissureThe lateral eruption which started on 26 October 2002 is peculiar also because it involved both the South
and the North flanks of the volcano, passing through the axis of Bocca Nuova. On the North flank, the
eruptive fissure was about 3 km long, with the upper vents at 2500 m.a.s.l., and the lowest and most
active chain of new craters at 2000 m.a.s.l. This page shows the activity of this fissure and the lava
flows which buried Piano Provenzana and the pine forest of Linguaglossa down to 1100 m.a.s.l. All times
are local (GMT + 1hr). As usual, lens focal lengths help to understand scales. |
 29 Oct, 18h. f=28mm from the foot of Monte Nero. About fifteen vents are active along the fissure at 2000 m.a.s.l., lying exactly over the jeep track once joining Piano Provenzana to the summit. |  29 Oct, 18h. f=50mm from the foot of Monte Nero. Dense ash clouds are erupted by lava fountains rising over the upper vents, while the lowest ones explode huge magma bubbles. |  29 Oct, 18h. f=28mm from the foot of Monte Nero. Bombs from this giant bubble explosion have flown over my head. Many set fires burning beech trees just below the crater chain (right). |  30 Oct, 5h. f=28mm from the top of Monte Nero. After few hours, only ten vents are still active. Many erupt giant magma bubbles sending bombs to fire bushes (on the far right). |
 30 Oct, 6h. f=135mm from the top of Monte Nero. Dense ash columns erupted by the upper vents at 2000 m.a.s.l. |  30 Oct, 6h. f=135mm from the top of Monte Nero. Strombolian eruptions eject huge red bombs in the ash columns. |  30 Oct, 7h. f=135mm from the top of Monte Nero. Red lava fountains rise from the most active upper vent. |  30 Oct, 7h. f=135mm from the top of Monte Nero. Shower of bombs on the west side of the crater chain. |
 30 Oct, 6h. f=50mm from the top of Monte Nero. The North Fissure in full activity. Mt. Ponte di Ferro on the right foreground. Partially buried beech trees on the left foreground give the scale. |  30 Oct, 7h. f=28mm from the top of Monte Nero. Panoramic view of the whole North Fissure. The upper vents at 2500 m.a.s.l. erupt dense ash (upper right) just below the North East Crater. |  30 Oct, 12h. f=16mm (fish-eye lens) from the north jeep track. Tom observes dense ash columns rising from the upper vents at 2500 m.a.s.l. A worrying crack in the foregorund. |  30 Oct, 13h. f=28mm from the north jeep track. «The Mouth of the Monster»: this «bottomless» explosive vent at 2500 m.a.s.l. covered the jeep track with millions of bombs. |
 30 Oct, 11h. f=16mm (fish-eye lens) from Mt. Timpa Rossa. The huge ash column rises from the lowest North Fissure between Monte Nero (far left) and Mt. Umberto e Margherita (right, Lateral Eruption 1879). |  5 Nov, 11h. f=28mm from Piano Provenzana. The lava flow coming from the lowest North Fissure has completely buried Piano Provenzana and molten this concrete wall, all what remains of former Hotel Le Betulle. |  5 Nov, 13h. f=50mm from Mandra del Re (1100 m.a.s.l.). The lava flow front has reached a oak-trees wood: strange contrast between green leaves and red molten rocks. |  5 Nov, 14h. f=50mm from Mandra del Re. «Fatal Embrace»: the lava flow first surrounds an oak tree, which later burns «erupting» red sparks. |
Copyright: M. Fulle.