Lateral Eruption 2002: Ash and People

Due to the high explosivity of the 2002 Eruption, all Sicily surrounding Etna was covered by thick layers of ash, forcing people to unusual stress. This page shows the many human faces of a lateral eruption, and is dedicated to Stephane Granier and Tom Pfeiffer: together, we spent unforgettable weeks trekking on a mountain once again really wild (visit also Tom's page at

Lateral Eruption 2002: Ash and People
Ash rain
Lateral Eruption 2002: Ash and People
Ash umbrella
Lateral Eruption 2002: Ash and People
Ash flowers
Lateral Eruption 2002: Ash and People
Cleaning her sidewalk
Lateral Eruption 2002: Ash and People
Breathing masks
Lateral Eruption 2002: Ash and People
Roof cleaning
Lateral Eruption 2002: Ash and People
Road cleaning
Lateral Eruption 2002: Ash and People
Ash kills fleas
Lateral Eruption 2002: Ash and People
Concerto on lava flows
Lateral Eruption 2002: Ash and People
Walking on lava flows
Lateral Eruption 2002: Ash and People
Towards Timpa Rossa hut
Lateral Eruption 2002: Ash and People
Life at Timpa Rossa hut
Lateral Eruption 2002: Ash and People
Our Chef Stephane
Lateral Eruption 2002: Ash and People
The Guardia di Finanza guides on the volcano
Lateral Eruption 2002: Ash and People
Photographers at the horizon
Lateral Eruption 2002: Ash and People
Stephane at the advancing lava front
Lateral Eruption 2002: Ash and People
Tom at the advancing lava front
Lateral Eruption 2002: Ash and People
Wizard «Mago Giusa» has stopped the lava flow
Lateral Eruption 2002: Ash and People
Also the Firemen stop the lava flow
Lateral Eruption 2002: Ash and People
«On my way to the office, I met a lava flow»
Copyright: M. Fulle.