drawing and painting contest 2000
Winners of the drawing and painting contest 2000
As we simply could not make up our mind we decided to award three first prices in the STROMBOLI ON-LINE year 2000 drawing and painting contest.
Johanna Leinen (14), Newcastle upon Tyne, England.
Franziska and Johanna submitted, as a team of artists, four incredible representations of
Stromboli and it's scenery.
Johanna's more abstract «collage» of thousands of colored pieces of paper shows the whole island as seen from
Strombolicchio. Even the lighthouse on Strombolicchio is built up from many white pieces of paper, even though this does not show
well on the scanned image.
We also enjoyed very much the binocular view of eruptions seen from Punta Labronzo and the wonderfully detailed and
accurate representation of Stromboli's flora and fauna. Congratulations to the Leinen-team!