Drawing and painting contest 2000In early 2000 we invited children to take part in a «volcanological» drawing and painting contest. The works of art which were submitted
far exceeded our expectations. So we decided to present more than the originally planned ten pictures. The SOL-team also had good fun
adding the «scientific» comments below the thumbnails. Clicking those, as usual, brings up the whole drawing or painting. |
Benjamin Omili, Baton Rouge, USA. «Stromboli (imagination)»: Stromboli from N during a rare paroxysmal phase producing a lava fountain, an eruption column, and a wide lava flow on Sciara del Fuoco. Scene illuminated by full moon. | Benjamin Omill, Baton Rouge, USA. «Stromboli (imagination)»: Daytime view of Stromboli from N during a rare quiescent phase when no visible activity is taking place. Italian mainland (Calabria) in the foreground. | Irene Negro (12), Savona, Italia. After Stromboli photo in Cavallaro and Cincotta, Casa editrice SAGEB: Daytime view of Stromboli from W. A NW wind drives fumarolic gases and steam towards Pizzo. |
Johnny Pleng (11), Broadmoor Middle School, Baton Rouge, USA. «Imagination»: Rare representation of Kerimasi volcano in Tanzania, apparently one of the few volcanoes which has erupted carbonatite lavas. | Kaleb Freeman, Baton Rouge, USA. «Mt. St. Helens, imagination»: Mount St. Helens in an unusual phase of activity, releasing lava flows (instead of explosively erupting) and launching a single bomb. Mt. Adams in the background. | Richard Giesinger (6), Vienna, Austria. Stromboli from NW producing a normal eruption and a rare lava flow on Sciara del Fuoco. High pressure makes steam rise vertically. |
Rebecca Lo Schiavo (7), Wyckoff, USA. Notice strong human impact of this unusually powerful eruption of Stromboli. | Valentina Pinto (18), Noale (Venezia), Italia. (Valentina is associated with SOL, therefore she is not competing; inspired by Etna's SEC strombolian eruptions). | Zoe Lauri (8), Firenze, Italia. Stromboli seen from the N with lava flow on Sciara dell Fuoco illuminating steam from behind. |
Johanna Leinen (14), Newcastle upon Tyne, England. Variegated flora and fauna along the path towards the summit craters. Note snake, gecko and other wildlife common on Stromboli. | Johanna Leinen (14), Newcastle upon Tyne, England. Stromboli as seen from Strombolicchio with lighthouse in the foreground. Image assembled from tiny pieces of colored paper. | Franziska Leinen (12), Newcastle upon Tyne, England. An eruption of realistic size is observed by two spectators on Pizzo. |
Luana Thomi (6), Thun, Switzerland. An astonished-looking sun is observing this remarkable eruption of Stromboli. | Carlo Malvestio, Noale (Venezia), Italia. And last but not least the contribution by the youngest (3!) contestant. | Giovanni Carniel (4), Fagagna; Italia. Roby going to work on Stromboli volcano ;-). (Giovanni is Roby's son. Therefore he is not competing). |
«And the winner is...»: First of all: Thank you, young artists for submitting these wonderful pictures! You are showing us volcanoes, and
Stromboli in particular, in a way which cannot be matched by any photo or video. How can we possibly single out anyone amongst such
dedicated, gifted people? But, alas, it has to be done. Our choice is mainly based on personal taste. May all the ones who did not win
take comfort in knowing that their exhibit can now be seen by volcanophiles all over the world. |