Gornergletscher 2011All photos, unless otherwise noted, were taken on August 17th, 2011. |
Overview from Rotenboden; far left Liskamm, on the right Breithorn. | The moon is setting behind the Matterhorn. | Repeat photo 16.8.2004 (top) and 17.8.2011. | Small ice-dammed lake below Gornergrat. |
Glacier table with block of strongly folded gneiss. | Big double fold in the foliation. | Cryoconite hole with meltwater pond; Monte Rosa in the background. | Cryoconite hole in the bubble-rich, very brigt ice of Grenzgletscher. |
Deep blue, clear ice layers under the meltwater in a cryoconite hole. | Ice ships near a medial moraine on Gornergletscher. | The largest meltwater pond on the lower tongue of Gornergletscher. | On the shore of the same meltwater pond. |
Panorama photo of the meltwater pond, looking towards Monte Rosa and Liskamm. | Panorama photo of the meltwater pond, looking towards Gornergrat and Monte Rosa (far right). | Foliation and strand lines on the shore of the large meltwater pond. | Pattern in the cryoconite which has settled on the bottom of the meltwater pond. |
Freshly exposed bedrock along the true right margin of Gornergletscher. | Erratic and spectacular boudinage along the margin of Gornergletscher. | Variegated boudinage in the metamorphic rocks along Gornergletscher. | Big glacier table, medial moraine and Matterhorn. |
Photos Jürg Alean. |