Publikationen zu Stromboli
Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
ABBRUZZESE D. (1937): L'attività dello Stromboli dal 1934 al 1936. Bull. Volcanol., 2, 205-210.
ABBRUZZESE D. (1940): L'attività dello Stromboli dal 1930 al 1934. Boll. Soc. Sismol., XXIII (3-4), 118-121.
ABBRUZZESE D. (1940): L'attività dello Stromboli dal 1937 al giugno 1939. Bull. Volcanol., 7, 57-66.
ACHILLI V., G. BERRINO F., OBRIZZO M., ANZIDEI G., CASULA F., RIGUZZI P., BALDI L., BARATIN S., GANDOLFI R., CARNIEL G., CORRADO G., LANZAFAME G., PUGLISI G., TARGA A., VETTORE (1996): Geodetic observations at the Aeolian Islands (Southern Italy). in: UNGUENDOLI M. (Ed.), Reports on surveying and Geodesy, DISTART - Ed. Nautilus, Bologna, 33-50.
Alean, J. (1997): Der Vulkan Stromboli, Die Alpen, Zeitschrift des Schweizer Alpen-clubs, QH 6/97, 38-50
ALEAN J., CARNIEL R. (1995): Seismiche Beobachtungen des Vulkans Stromboli und Internet (Teil I). GeoAgenda, Mitteilungsblatt des Verbandes der Schweizer Geographen, 6, 22-23.
ALEAN J., CARNIEL R. (1996): Seismiche Beobachtungen des Vulkans Stromboli und Internet (Teil II). GeoAgenda, Mitteilungsblatt des Verbandes der Schweizer Geographen, 1, 16-17.
Alippi A., Diodati P., Paparo G. (1994): Time and amplitude power laws in the seismic activity of Stromboli. Acoustics letters, 17 (10), 193.
Allard P., Aiuppa A., Dongarra G. (2000): Acid Gas and Metal Emission Rates during Long-lived Basalt Degassing at Stromboli Volcano. Geophys. Res. Lett., 27 (8), 1207.
ALLARD P., CARBONNELLE J., METRICH N., LOYER H., ZETTWOOG P. (1994): Sulphur output and magma degassing budget of Stromboli volcano. Nature, 368 (6469), 326- 330.
BALLESTRACCI R. (1982): Self-potential Survey near the Crater of Stromboli Volcano (Italy). Inference for Internal Structure and Eruption Mechanism. Bull. Volcanol., 45, 349-366.
BARBERI F., INNOCENTI F., FERRARA G., KELLER J., VILLARI L. (1974): Evolution of Aeolian Arc Volcanism (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea). Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 21, 269-276.
BARBERI F., MACEDONIO G., PARESCHI M.T., SANTACROCE R. (1989): Pericolosità e rischio vulcanico: stato dell'arte e prospettive. G.N.V.-C.N.R. Boll. 1989, 631-647.
BARBERI F., ROSI M., SODI A. (1993): Volcanic hazard assessment at Stromboli based on review of historical data. Acta Vulcanol., G, 173-188.
Bargagli R., Barghigiani C., Siegel B.Z. (1991): Trace metal anomalies in surface soils and vegetation on two active island volcanoes: Stromboli and Vulcano. Science of the total environment, 102, 209.
Barghigiani C., Bargagli R., Siegel B.Z. (1990): A Comparative Study of Mercury Distribution on the Aeolian volcanoes, Vulcano and Stromboli. Water, air, and soil pollution, 53 (1/2), 179.
BEINAT A., CARNIEL R., F. IACOP (1994): Seismic station of Stromboli: 3-component data acquisition system. Acta Vulcanol., 5, 221-222.
BEHNCKE B.: Contributions about Stromboli activity. Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, USA:
a) Vol. 15, No. 11, November 1990, p. 8-9: Report relative to the period 7.11.1990 - 8.11.1990.
b) Vol. 16, No. 9, September 1991, p. 10-11: Report relative to the period 28.08.1991 - 29.08.1991.
c) Vol. 17, No. 3, March 1992, p. 6: Report relative to the period 15.03.1992 - 18.03.1992.
d) Vol. 19, No. 3, March 1994, p. 5-7: Report relative to the period 9.03.1994 - 12.03.1994.
e) Vol. 19, No. 9, September 1994, p. 8-9: Report relative to the period 21.08.1994 - 22.08.1994.
f) Vol. 20, No. 11/12, November-December 1995, p. 7-8: Report relative to the period Sep.- Oct.1995.
BEINAT A., IACOP F., RIUSCETTI M., G. SALEMI (1988): Caratterizzazione statistica dell'attività sismica di Stromboli. Atti del VII Convegno Annuale del G.N.G.T.S.-C.N.R., Roma 1988, 1471-1482.
BEINAT A., IACOP F., RIUSCETTI M., G. SALEMI (1989): Studio della sismicità legata alla attività esplosiva di Stromboli. Atti del Convegno Nazionale del G.N.V.-C.N.R., 1989, I, 47-53.
BEINAT A., IACOP F., RIUSCETTI M., G. SALEMI (1990): Integrated PC-workstation for geophysics monitoring: a seismic application on Stromboli volcano. XXII E.S.C. Assembly "Applications of Personal Computers in Seismology", Barcelona 1990, Proc. Workshop WS8 "Use of PC in seismology", 13-18.
Bertagnini A., Landi P. (1996): The Secche di Lazzaro pyroclastics of Stromboli volcano: a phreatomagmatic eruption related to the Sciara del Fuoco sector collapse. Bull. Volcanol., 58 (2/3), 239.
BONACCORSO A. (1992): Teoria degli effetti termoelastici sul segnale clinometrico ed applicazioni in ambiente vulcanico. C.N.R.-I.I.V. Open File Report, 2/92, 9.
Bonaccorso A. (1998): Evidence of a dyke-sheet intrusion at Stromboli volcano inferred through continuous tilt. Geophys. Res. Lett., 25 (22), 4225.
Bonaccorso A., Campisi O., Consoli O., Falzone G., Gambino S., Laudani G., Mattia M., Puglisi B., Rossi M., Velardita R. (2000): Discrete (EDM and GPS) and continuous (tilt and GPS) deformation monitoring (Vulcano and Stromboli). Acta Vulcanol., 12 (1/2), 111-114.
BONASIA V., YOKOYAMA I. (1972): Rilevamento gravimetrico di Stromboli (Isole Eolie). Riv. Ital. Geofis., XXI (3-4), 109-113.
BOTTARI A., CACCAMO D., CEFALI F., LO GIUDICE E., NERI G. (1980-81): Centri di attività sismica in prossimità dell'Arco Vulcanico Eoliano e nelle aree limitrofe durante il biennio 1980-1981. Rend. Osservatorio Reggino, 28, 19-34.
BOTTARI A., CACCAMO D., FALSAPERLA S., NERI G. (1986): Confronto e correlazione tra dati di sismologia attiva e passiva del Basso Tirreno. Atti del V Convegno Annuale del G.N.G.T.S.-C.N.R., 709-720.
BOTTARI A., CACCAMO D., LO GIUDICE E., NERI G. (1981): Attività sismica osservata nelle stazioni della rete sismica eoliana nel primo quadrimestre 1981. C.N.R.-I.I.V. Open File Report, 1-81.
Braun T., Ripepe M. (1993): Interaction of Seismic and Air Waves Recorded at Stromboli Volcano. Geophys. Res. Lett., 20 (1), 65.
BULLARD F.M. (1954): Activity of Stromboli in June and December 1952. Bull. Volcanol., 15, 91-98.
CALVARI S.: Contributions about Stromboli activity. Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, USA:
a) Vol. 18, No. 5, May 1993, p. 3: Report relative to the period 20.05.1993 - 27.05.1993.
b) Vol. 18, No. 10, October 1993, p. 6: Report relative to the period 23.10.1993.
CAPALDI G., GUERRA I., LO BASCIO A., LUONGO G., PECE R., RAPOLLA A., SCARPA R., DEL PEZZO E., MARTINI M., GHIARA M.R., LIRER L., MINNO R., LA VOLPE L. (1978): Stromboli and its 1975 eruption. Bull. Volcanol., 41, 259-285.
CAPASSO G., CARAPEZZA M.L. (1994): Gas and water geochemistry. A geochemical survey of Stromboli. Acta Vulcanol., 6, 52.
Carapezza M.L., Federico C. (2000): The contribution of fluid geochemistry to the volcano monitoring of Stromboli. J. Volcanol. Geother. Res., 95 (1/4), 227.
CARNIEL R.: Contributions about Stromboli activity (many of them co-authored). Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, USA:
a) Vol. 19, No. 1, January 1994, p. 12-13: Report relative to the period 1.10.1993 - 31.01.1994.
b) Vol. 19, No. 6, June 1994, p. 3-4: Report relative to the period 1.02.1994 - 26.06.1994.
c) Vol. 19, No. 10, October 1994, p. 13-15: Report relative to the period 27.06.1994 - 29.09.1994.
d) Vol. 20, No. 1, January 1995, p. 12: Report relative to the period 1.10.1994 - 09.12.1994.
e) Vol. 20, No. 4, April 1995: Report relative to the period 13.01.1995-04.04.1995.
f) Vol. 20, No. 5, May 1995, p. 6: Report relative to the period 05.04.1995-10.06.1995.
g) Vol. 20, No. 8, August 1995: Report relative to the period 11.06.1995-15.09.1995.
h) Vol. 21, No. 2, February 1996, p. 10-11: Report relative to the period 16.09.1995-29.02.1996
i) Vol. 21, No. 4, April 1996, p. 7-8: Report relative to the period 01.03.1996-15.05.1996
l) Vol. 22, No. 3, March 1997, p. 12-15, Report relative to the period 15.05.1996- 31.01.1997
m) Vol. 23, n. 10, October 1998, p. 2-3, Report relative to the period 31.01.1997-08.09.1998
n) Vol. 24, n. 6, June 1999, p. 27-28, Report relative to the period 08.09.1998-30.06.1999
o) Vol. 25, n. 1, January 2000, p. 3-4, Report relative to the period 01.07.1999-31.12.1999
p) Vol. 25, n. 8, August 2000, p. 8-11, Report relative to the period 01.01.2000-30.09.2000
q) Vol. 26, n. 4, April 2001, p. 5-6, Report relative to the period 01.10.2000-28.02.2001
r) Vol. 26, n. 7, July 2001, p. 7-8, Report relative to the period 01.03.2001-31.05.2001
s) Vol. 26, n. 10, October 2001, p. 2-3, Report relative to the period 01.05.2001-31.10.2001
CARNIEL R. (1992): Una prima analisi dimensionale delle serie temporali di attivita' sismica di Stromboli. Atti del XI Convegno del G.N.G.T.S.-C.N.R., Roma 1992, I, 431-440.
CARNIEL R. (1993): Embedding seismic time series of Stromboli dynamical system. Proc. Int. Conf. Applications of Time Series in Astronomy and Meteorology, Università di Padova, Italy, September 6-9, 1993, 79-82.
CARNIEL R. (1996): Neural networks and dynamical systems techniques for volcanic tremor analysis. E.S.C. Workshop "Seismic signals on active volcanoes: possible precursors of volcanic eruptions", Nicolosi (CT) 1994, Annali di Geofisica, XXXIX (2) 241- 252.
CARNIEL R., CASOLO S., IACOP F. (1996): Spectral analysis of volcanic tremor associated with the 1993 paroxysmal events at Stromboli. in: MCGUIRE W.J., JONES A., NEUBERG J. (eds), Volcano Instability on the Earth and Other Planets. Geological Society Special Publication, 110, 373-381.
Carniel R., Di Cecca M. (1999): Dynamical tools for the analysis of long term evolution of volcanic tremor at Stromboli, Annali di Geofisica, 42, 3, 483-495.
Carniel R., Harris A. J. L., Ripepe M., Misure di radiazione infrarossa associata ai segnali sismici ed infrasonici prodotti dall'attivitý esplosiva dello Stromboli, XVIII Convegno Nazionale del Gruppo Nazionale di Geofisica della Terra Solida del C.N.R., Roma, 9-11 Novembre 1999
Carniel R., Harris A. J. L., Ripepe M., La radiazione infrarossa come integrazione dei dati sismici ed infrasonici per la caratterizzazione del processo eruttivo a Stromboli, XIX Convegno Nazionale del Gruppo Nazionale di Geofisica della Terra Solida del C.N.R., Roma, 7-9 Novembre 2000, Riassunti estesi delle Comunicazioni, p. 157-158
CARNIEL R., IACOP F. (1995): Una prima analisi della crisi vulcanica di Stromboli della primavera 1995. XIV Convegno Nazionale del G.N.G.T.S.-C.N.R., Roma 1995, Riassunti delle Comunicazioni, 118.
CARNIEL R., IACOP F. (1996): On the persistency of vent assignment criteria for Stromboli explosion-quakes. E.S.C. Workshop "Seismic signals on active volcanoes: possible precursors of volcanic eruptions", Nicolosi (CT) 1994, Annali di Geofisica, XXXIX (2) 347-359.
CARNIEL R., IACOP F. (1996): Spectral precursors of paroxysmal phases of Stromboli. E.S.C. Workshop "Seismic signals on active volcanoes: possible precursors of volcanic eruptions", Nicolosi (CT) 1994, Annali di Geofisica, XXXIX (2) 327-345.
CASERTANO L., PINNA E. (1971): Indagini geomagnetiche nell'isola di Stromboli. Geofis. Meteor., XX (3-4), 76-82.
CAVALLARO C. (1957): L'attività dello Stromboli dal 1940 al 1953. Boll. Acc. Gioenia Catania, s.IV, III-10, 526-531.
CAVALLARO C. (1957): L'attività dello Stromboli dall' aprile 1954 al 31 dicembre 1956. Boll. Acc. Gioenia Catania, s.IV, III-10, 103-117.
Chouet B., DeLuca G., Scarpa R. (1998): Shallow Velocity Structure of Stromboli Volcano, Italy, Derived from Small-Aperture Array Measurements of Strombolian Tremor. Bulletin of the seismological society of America, 88 (3), 653.
CHOUET B., HAMISEVICZ N., MCGETCHIN T.R. (1974): Photoballistics of Volcanic Jet Activity at Stromboli, Italy. Jour. Geophys. Res., 79-32, 4961-4976.
Chouet B., Saccorotti G., Cattaneo M. (1999): Broadband measurements of the sources of explosions at Stromboli Volcano, Italy. Geophys. Res. Lett., 26 (13), 1937.
Chouet B., Saccorotti G., Scarpa R. (1997): Source and path effects in the wave fields of tremor and explosions at Stromboli Volcano, Italy. J. Geophys. Res. solid earth, 102 (7), 15129.
Ciccotti M., Negri N., Mulargia, F. (2000): Elastic and fracture parameters of Etna, Stromboli, and Vulcano lava rocks. J. Volcanol. Geother. Res., 98 (1/4), 209.
CLOCCHIATTI R. (1981): La transition augite-diopside et les liquides silicates intra-cristallins dans les pyroclastes de l'activite actuelle du Stromboli: temoignages de la reinjection et du melange magmatiques. Bull. Volcanol., 44, 339-358.
Coltelli M., Del Carlo P., Pompilio M. (2000): Eruptive activity (Stromboli). Acta Vulcanol., 12, (1/2), 93-95.
CONDOMINES M., ALLéGRE C.J. (1980): Age and magmatic evolution of Stromboli volcano from 230Th-238U disequilibrium data. Nature, 288, 354-357.
DE FINO M., LA VOLPE L., FALSAPERLA S., FRANCALANCI L., FRAZZETTA G., NERI G., ROSI M., SBRANA A. (1988): The Stromboli eruption of December 6, 1985 - April 25, 1986. Volcanological, petrological and seismological data, Rend. Soc. Ital. Min. Petr., Carapezza Memorial Volume, 43/4, 1021-1038.
DE QUERVAIN F., STREKEISEN R. (1927): Observations sur le Stromboli. Bull. Volcanol., 1 (7-8), 74-82.
DE STEFANI C. (1900): Le acque atmosferiche nelle fumarole a proposito di Vulcano e di Stromboli. Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 19 (2), 295-319.
DEL PEZZO E., GUERRA I., LO BASCIO A., LUONGO G., NAPPI G., SCARPA R. (1974): Microtremors and volcanic explosions at Stromboli. Bull. Volcanol., 38, 1023-1038.
Diodati P. (1994): Ultrasonic signals before, during and after seisms revealed on Stromboli. Acoustics letters, 17 (12), 233.
DIODATI P. (1995): Ultrasonic precursors signals of seismic events revealed on volcano Stromboli. Nuovo cimento della Società Italiana di Fisica, 18 (2), 239-242.
Diodati P., Bak P., Marchesoni F. (2000): Acoustic emission at the Stromboli volcano: scaling laws and seismic activity. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 182 (ER3-4), 253-258.
DREIER R., WIDMER R., SCHICK R., ZURN W. (1994): Stacking of broad-band seismograms of shocks at Stromboli. Acta Vulcanol., 5, 165-172.
DUPUY C., DOSTAL J., GIROD M., LIOTARD M. (1981): Origin of volcanic rocks from Stromboli (Italy). Jour. Volc. Geotherm. Res., 10 ,49-65.
DURAND M., Grattan, J. (2003): Modelling Stromboli's role in Mediterranean air pollution. Geoscientist, 13 (1), 4-7.
EDNER H., RAGNARSON P., SVANBERG S., WALLINDER E., FERRARA R., CIONI R., RACO B., TADDEUCCI G. (1994): Total fluxes of sulphur dioxide from the Italian volcanoes Etna, Stromboli and Volcano measured by differential absorption lidar and passive differential optical absorption spectroscopy. Jour. Geophys. Res., 99, 18827.
ELLAM R.M., HAWKESWORTH C.J., MENZIES M.A., ROGERS N.W. (1989): The Volcanism of Southern Italy: Role of Subduction and the Relationship Between Potassic and Sodic Alkaline Magmatism. Jour. Geophys. Res., 94-B4, 4589-4601.
ELLAM R.M., MENZIES M.A., HAWKESWORTH C.J., LEEMAN W.P., ROSI M., SERRI G. (1988): The transition from calc-alkaline to potassic orogenic magmatism in the Aeolian Islands, Southern Italy. Bull. Volcanol., 50, 386-398.
Ellam R.M., Rogers N.W. (1989): Mantle mixing and crustal contamination as the origin of the high-Sr radiogenic magmatism of Stromboli (Aeolian Arc)-reply to comment by Luais, B. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 95 (3/4), 411.
EMTER D., ZURN W., SCHICK R., LOMBARDO G. (1986): Search for Tidal Effects on Volcanic Activities at Mt. Etna and Stromboli. Proc.Tenth Int. Symp. Earth Tides, 765- 774.
EREDITATO D., LUONGO G. (1995): Explosion quakes analysis at Stromboli: experimental data and synthetic seismograms. Acta Vulcanol., 7 (1), 49-54.
Ereditato D., Luongo G. (1997): Explosion quakes at Stromboli (Italy). J. Volcanol. Geother. Res., 79 (3/4), 265.
FADELI A. (1984): A Study on the Eruption Mechanism of Volcano Stromboli (Italy). Inst. Geophys. Univ. Stuttgart, 213, 71.
FALSAPERLA S., VELARDITA L. (1993): Contributions about Stromboli activity. Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, USA 18 (1), p. 7: Report relative to the period 10.02.1993.
FALSAPERLA S. (1991): Stromboli. Acta Vulcanol., 1, 272-274.
FALSAPERLA S., CARDACI C. (1994): Seismic activity at Stromboli volcano. Acta Vulcanol., 6, 56-57.
Falsaperla S., Cardaci C. (2000): Seismic activity at Stromboli in 1996. Acta Vulcanol., 12 (1/2), 109-110.
FALSAPERLA S., LANGER H., MARTINELLI B., SCHICK R. (1994): Seismic measurements on Stromboli volcano in a wide frequency range. Acta Vulcanol., 5, 173- 178.
Falsaperla S., Langer H., Spampinato S. (1998): Statistical analyses and characteristics of volcanic tremor on Stromboli Volcano (Italy). Bull. Volcanol., 60 (2), 75.
Falsaperla S., Lanzafame G., Spampinato S. (1999): Regional stress field in the area of Stromboli (Italy): insights into structural data and crustal tectonic earthquakes. J. Volcanol. Geother. Res., 88 (3), 147.
FALSAPERLA S., LONGO V. (1993): Seismic activity (Stromboli). Acta Vulcanol., 3, 300-302.
FALSAPERLA S., MONTALTO A., SPAMPINATO S. (1994): Seismic investigations on volcanic tremor at Stromboli volcano (Italy). Acta Vulcanol., 5, 179-186.
FALSAPERLA S., NERI G. (1986): Seismic monitoring of volcanoes: Stromboli(Southern Italy). Mineralogy, 55, 153-163.
FALSAPERLA S., SCHICK R. (1993): Geophysical studies on Stromboli volcano - A review. Acta Vulcanol., 3, 153-162.
Falsaperla S., Spampinato S. (1999): Tectonic seismicity at Stromboli volcano (Italy from historical data and seismic records. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 173 (4), 425.
FORTUNA L., NUNNARI G., GRAZIANI S., PUGLISI G., BRIOLE P. (1990): A model based filtering procedure for tilt signal processing in volcanic areas. Signal Processing V, TORRES L., MASGRAU E., LAGUNAS M.A. eds., Elsevier Sc. Publ., Amsterdam, 605-609.
FRANCALANCI L. (1993): Mineral chemistry of Stromboli volcanics as indicator of magmatic processes. Acta Vulcanologica, 3, 99-114.
FRANCALANCI L., MANETTI P., PECCERILLO A. (1989): Volcanological and magmatological evolution of Stromboli volcano (Aeolian Islands): The roles of fractional crystallization, magma mixing, crustal contamination and source heterogeneity. Bull. Volcanol., 51, 355-378.
FRANCALANCI L., MANETTI P., PECCERILLO A., KELLER J. (1993): Magmatological evolution of the Stromboli volcano (Aeolian arc, Italy): inferences from major and trace element and Sr isotopic composition of lavas and pyroclastic rocks. Acta Vulcanol., 3, 127-152.
Francalanci L., Tommasini S., Davies G.R. (1999): Sr isotope evidence for short magma residence time for the 20th century activity at Stromboli volcano, Italy. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 167 (1/2), 61.
GABBIANELLI G., ROMAGNOLI C., ROSSI P.L., CALANCHI N. (1993): Marine geology of the Panarea- Stromboli area (Aeolian archipelago, southeastern Tyrrhenian sea). Acta Vulcanol., 3, 11-20.
Gaonach H., Vandemeulebrouck J., Stix J. (1994): Thermal infrared satellite measurements of volcanic activity at Stromboli and Vulcano. J. Geophys. Res. Solid earth, 99 (5), 9477.
GASSER B. (1992): Contributions about Stromboli activity. Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, USA, 17 (5), p. 19: Report relative to the period 16.05.1992 - 17.05.1992.
GAUDRU H.: Contributions about Stromboli activity. Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, USA:
a) Vol. 16, No. 7, July 1991, p. 18: Report relative to the period 31.07.1991 - 01.08.1991.
b) Vol. 16, No. 8, August 1991, p. 13: Report relative to the period 6.09.1991 - 07.09.1991.
c) Vol. 20, No. 5, May 1995, p. 6: Report relative to the period 23.05.1995 - 24.05.1995.
Gauthier P.J., Condomines M. (1999): 210Pb-226Ra radioactive disequilibria in recent lavas and radon degassing: inferences on the magma chamber dynamics at Stromboli and Merapi volcanoes. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 172 (1/2), 111.
Gauthier P.J., Le Cloarec M.F., Condomines M. (2000): Degassing processes at Stromboli volcano inferred from short-lived disequilibria (210Pb-210Bi-210Po) in volcanic gases. J. Volcanol. Geother. Res., 102 (ER1-2), 1-19.
GIBERTI G., JAUPART C., SARTORIS G. (1992): Steady-state operation of Stromboli volcano, Italy: constraints on the feeding system. Bull. Volcanol., 54, 535-541.
Giberti G., Jaupart C., Sartoris G. (1992): Steady-state operation of Stromboli volcano, Italy: constraints on the feeding system. Bull. Volcanol., 54 (7), 535.
GILLOT P.Y., KELLER J. (1993): Radiochronological dating of Stromboli. Acta Vulcanol., 3, 69-78.
HARRIS H., MACIEJEWSKI A. (1994): Contributions about Stromboli activity. Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, USA, 19 (10), p. 13-15: Report relative to the period 1.10.1994 - 13.10.1994.
HARRIS H., STEVENS N. (1995): Contributions about Stromboli activity. Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network,Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, USA, 20 (11/12), p. 7-8: Report relative to the period Sep.- Oct.1995.
Harris A.J.L., Stevenson D.S. (1997): Magma budgets and steady state activity of Vulcano and Stromboli. Geophys. Res. Lett., 24 (9), 1043.
Harris A.J.L., Stevenson D.S. (1997): Thermal observations of degassing open conduits and fumaroles at Stromboli and Vulcano using remotely sensed data. J. Volcanol. Geother. Res., 76 (3/4), 175.
HORNIG-KJARSGAARD I., KELLER J., KOBERSKI U., STADLBAUER E., FRANCALANCI L., LENHART R. (1993): Geology, stratigraphy and volcanological evolution of the island of Stromboli, Aeolian arc, Italy. Acta Vulcanol., 3, 21-68.
IMBO G.: Dati sismici relativi alla fase esplosiva dello Stromboli del settembre 1930. Bull. Volcanol., 1 (15-18), 239-246.
IMBO G.: Parossismo di Stromboli nel settembre 1930. Bull. Volcanol., 1 (15-18), 177-185.
Jaquet O., Carniel R. (2001): Stochastic modelling at Stromboli: a volcano with remarkable memory. J. Volcanol. Geother. Res., 105 (ER3), 249-262.
JOHNSTON LAVIS H. (1894): Sulla inclusione di quarzo nelle lave di Stromboli e sui cambiamenti da ciò causati nella composizione della lava. Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 13, 32-41.
Kidd R.B., Lucchi R.G., Woodside J.M. (1998): Sedimentary Processes in the Stromboli Canyon and Marsili Basin, SE Tyrrhenian Sea: Results from Side-scan Surveys. Geo-marine letters, 18 (2), 146.
KOKELAAR P., ROMAGNOLI C. (1995): Sector collapse, sedimentation and clast population evolution at an active island-arc Volcano-Stromboli, Italy. Bull. Volcanol., 57 (4), 240-262.
La Rocca M., Petrosino S., Saccorotti G., Simini M., Ibanez J., Almendros J., Del Pezzo E. (2000): Location of the Source and Shallow Velocity Model Deduced from the Explosion Quakes Recorded by Two Seismic Antennas at Stromboli Volcano. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth Part A. Solid Earth and Geodesy, 25 (ER9-11), 731-735.
Langer H., Falsaperla S. (1996): Long-term Observation of Volcanic Tremor on Stromboli Volcano (Italy): A Synopsis. Pure and applied geophysics, 147 (1), 57.
LEONARDI S., MULARGIA F., ROSSI P.L. (1991): Analisi frattale della morfologia delle linee di costa in isole vulcaniche: il caso di Vulcano, Stromboli e Alicudi. Giornale di geologia, 53 (2), 219-226.
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