These evaporation ponds are on the southern shore of Lake Afrera. Cinder cones and Hayli Gubbi volcano in the background. | Salt foam gets piled up along the shore of Lake Afrera (or Giulietti) by the prevailing northern winds. | Remarkably, these palms seem able to survive even in such an unhospitale salty environment. | Water from the lake is evaporated in these artifical ponds, creating salt deposits in a few days. |
Very early in the morning workers cut up the dried salt crust. | Then very large salt blocks are lifted... | ...while Venus shines high in the sky (upper left). | Then the salt blocks are broken in smaller pieces. |
The salt is now ready to be removed from the pond... | ...and is here piled up to be later picked up by trucks. | Time for a well-deserved breakfast. | Salt dust in the air can do much damage to eyes! |