September/October 1997The pictures on this page link to larger photos (usually 20 to 60 K) and a QuickTime movie. Copyright Marco Fulle (MF),
Jürg Alean (JA), Jost Rinderknecht (JR) and Roberto Carniel (RC). |
 Voragine 9 Oct. 1997 13:00 (all times are local) from W rim. Spattering from the 1997 vent (telephoto - MF). |  Voragine 10 Oct. 20:00 from W rim. Strombolian activity from the small 1997 vent illuminates the inner walls of the Voragine crater (wide angle view - MF). |  Bocca Nuova 26 July 17:00 from W rim with steaming SE vents. Behind: «diaframma» separating Bocca Nuova from Voragine (wide angle view - MF). |  Bocca Nuova. 9 Oct. 12.00 from N rim: NW vent. Magma column partially covered, but fracture (top right) suggests possible re-opening of whole vent (telephoto - MF). |
 Bocca Nuova 9 Oct.12:00 from N rim. towards NW vent and SW inner wall. Most of the roughly 80 m wide NW vent is covered by solid spatter (wide angle view - MF). |  Bocca Nuova 10 Oct. 19.00 from N rim. SE vents left, 80 m wide bubbling lava lake of the NW vent right: The partial cover seen on 9. Oct has disappeared (wide angle view - MF). |  Bocca Nuova 10 Oct. 19.00 from N rim. The 80 m wide lava lake ejects highly liquid lava clots well over the BN rim (wide angle view - MF). |  Bocca Nuova 11 Oct. 12:00 from N rim. Magma bubbling in the 80 m wide NW vent. Haze inside the crater impairs visibility (wide angle view - MF). |
 Bocca Nuova N rim 10 Oct. 20:00 from Voragine W rim. The steam in the foreground is illuminated by the lava lake inside the crater (wide angle view - MF). |  Bocca Nuova 10 Oct. 20:00 from Voragine W rim. The «star» is the planet Venus shining brightly in the evening twilight (wide angle view - MF). |  Bocca Nuova 10 Oct. 20:00. Vigorous magma bubbling in the NW vent ejects meter sized spatters onto the N rim, the observation point of images taken at 19.00... (wide angle view - MF). |  13. Oct. 21:00. View from Torre del Filosofo towards Montagnola with city lights of Catania in the background (JA). |
 Marco Fulle observing Bocca Nuova from SW rim 13 Oct 18:00. Temperature about 0 °C, wind gusts up to 100 km/h (wide angle view - JA). |  A bit later, just before sunset: note how the sun's shadow has risen inside Bocca Nuova. Marco is now even closer to the lava lake (wide angle view - JA). |  After sunset the lava lakes glow becomes more prominent. Continuous fountaining produces terrifying sounds (wide angle view - JA). |  At 20.00 the lava lake (diameter about 80 m) continuosly ejects lava fountains. Occasional explosions throw lava at least 300 m high (wide angle view - JA). |
 Continuous and vigorous lava fountaining in Bocca Nuova NW vent on 13. Oct 19:00. (tele photo view - JA). |  Many lava clots ejected from the Bocca Nuova NW vent on 13. Oct must have been several meters in diameter (tele photo view - JA).. |  Winter has arrived: Vigorously steaming Voragine from NW on 15. Oct (JR). |  North East crater from Piano Provenzana. 14. Oct (JA). |