South East Crater (SEC) 28 July 1997 20:00 (all times local) from the Central Crater rim fumaroles, visible in the foreground. Etna's shadow in the background. |  SEC 27 July 1997 06:00 from near «fortino». Sunrise behind an eruption from the S vent of the 1997 cone. The lava is bright enough to be visible against the sun. |  SEC 28 July 1997 20:00 from the «fortino». Strong strombolian eruption from the N vent after 3 mins of silence. As the sun sets Etna's shadow is rising over the horizon. |  SEC 28 July 1997 20:30. In the eastern sky are anticrepuscular rays, caused by the setting sun and irregularities in the western horizon (probably clouds). |
 SEC 27 July 1997 02:00. During the 30 s exposure, about 20 explosions occurred. Lava flow on the right. City lights of Acireale in the back. The bright object is the moon. |  SEC 27 July 1997 06:00. Strombolian eruption from the S vent of the 1997 cone ejecting meter sized scoria. In the background is the Ionian Sea. |  SEC 27 July 1997 03:00. Lava flow from an ephemeral vent on the SE rim (flow velocity about 0.2 m/s). The stars of the Auriga constellation are rising in the background. |  SEC 28 July 1997 21h30m from «Torre Filosofo». Strombolian eruptions from the 1997 cone and lava flow from the SE side of the crater. |
 Bocca Nuova (BN). 26 July 1997 17:00 from W rim. Spattering 1997 cone at the NW bottom of BN. |  BN 28 July 1997 19:00 also from the W rim. Lava spattering from two vents. |  BN 28 July 1997 19:00 from the W rim. Lava fountain from the vent on the E side of the NW cone. |  BN 26 July 1997 21:00 Panoramic view of all active vents. The one most right produced terrifying bangs. |