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Klasse 2b aus Münchenstein, Schweiz
A family of Stromboli emigrees in the USA
On 26 December 1995 Mr Anthony J. Panettieri wrote to us:
'My maternal grandfather (Famularo) left Stromboli around 1904. His wife (Tesoriero) about ten years later. My father (Panettieri) left around 1926. Destination for all was New York in order to seek opportunity similar to most other European emigrants of their generations. Others settled in Argentina and New Zealand.
Strombolians set up social and support groups in New York so they all knew each other and maintained contact with relatives in Stromboli. As a rule they looked upon Stromboli as a desolate, primitive place from which you would want to escape. I was quite surprised to find it to be an alive, upbeat and well maintained vacation place. My Grandfather and father's houses were renovated and made into vacation homes.
(About the picture) My mother Jane Panettieri is seated. Herr father's name was Famularo and mother's was Tessiero. Both emigrated from Stromboli as did my father. His mother's maiden name was Di Mattino. Standing from the left to right is my wife, Marge and children Michael, Nancy, and Anthony. Im am on the right end.
(About STROMBOLI ON-LINE) I visited Stromboli in August 1995 and my interest in the island has been hightened. I appreciate your site since I have an intense interest in anything about Stromboli. THANK YOU'
415 Yorktowne Road; Hershey, PA, 17033; USA
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Un semplice amante dell'isolaJesus è uno dei tanti che ci hanno scritto per dirci quanto amino Stromboli. Ecco la sua lettera: Che ne penso di questa iniziativa? Ne sono pienamente contento...finalmente Stromboli viene stimata con l'importanza che merita, non solo al livello paesaggistico ma da un punto di vista della singolarita' che presenta quale tipo di vulcano. |
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Bernard PhilippeBernard PHILIPPE, from Belgium, found Stromboli on-line for the first time in December 1995. He maintains a blog about Stromboli. |
Carlo Tripodi
Cari amici, il vostro sito è fantastico e avete riportate vivide nella mia mente le emozioni provate tante volte visitando Stromboli. Sono un geologo, insegno Geografia nelle Medie Superiori. Mi interesso di telerilevamento e faccio fotografie aeree (ho molte foto di vulcani italiani, anche di Stromboli). maiora! Saluti, Carlo TRIPODI, (P.S. Sono anche il vicepresidente dei giornalisti aerospaziali italiani).
Foto del Vesuvio - Photos of Vesuvius - Foto von Vesuv
Florian Schlotke
Liebes STROMBOLI Team:
Durch einen dieser Zufälle habe ich Eure STROMBOLI-Page gesehen und bin absolut begeistert! Als alter Stromboli-Besucher kenne ich den Berg und muss sagen, Ihr habt ihn genau richtig getroffen! Ueberhaupt, Euer STROMBOLI-Site ist vom Design her einer der besten, den ich bis jetzt gesehen habe: Ihr zeigt wie man das Medium «WWW» ideal einsetzt! Gratulation.
Florian Schlotke, Institute of Scientific Computing, ETHZ, CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
Ted Payne
I am an earth and space science teacher at North Carroll Middle School in Hampstead, MD, USA. I have found this site to be very informative for my students. Several of them have said that they have visited your site and downloaded images for their reports. As the year progresses, I will continue to promote your site within our school as an excellent resource. Thank you for maintaining such a great site. Thanks again, Ted Payne
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Raniero Massoli-NovelliMi occupo degli aspetti ambientali della geologia. Sono in partenza per Ginostra (prima volta a Stromboli) dopodomani. Missione a nome LegaAmbiente e SIGEA (Soc.Ital.Geologia Ambientale) per verificare gli impatti negativi del noto progetto di porticciolo + strada in localita' Secche di Lazzaro. Ho visto il vostro sito e mi complimento! Molto utile e ben fatto. |
Gianfranco Cincotta
Questo il primo messaggio ricevuto da Gianfranco: «Salve, complimenti per il sito riguardo Stromboli! Mio padre e' stato delegato municipale a Stromboli per 19 anni e mia madre aveva aperto il primo ostello della gioventu'. Vado a Stromboli ogni anno e saro' salito sul vulcano almeno 50 volte, conoscevo Tazieff e la vecchia guida. Mi chiamo Gianfranco Cincotta ed abito a Milano. Saluti Strombolani! Gianfranco Cincotta-Wehrhahn»
Dopo una lunga serie di email, ecco (le prime?) due interessanti pagine preparate da Gianfranco: L'eruzione del 1930 ed altri ricordi e Le famiglie storiche di Stromboli. Speriamo davvero che la collaborazione con Gianfranco dia altri frutti!.
Andy Harris
sent in several maps of the craters and detailed reports on Stromboli's eruptive activity. He also collaborates scientifically with Roby.
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Klaus D. JägerIch lebe in München und habe am 15.10.1997 zum erstenmal STROMBOLI ON-LINE entdeckt. Da es mit Abstand das Beste ist, was zu diesem Thema im Internet zu finden ist, kann ich es allen zu empfehlen, die Interesse am Vulkanismus und an den zauberhaften Äolischen Inseln haben. Ich selbst lebe regelmässig für einige Wochen auf diesem Eiland, habe dort viele, viele Fotos gemacht und auch Bücher über diese wunderschöne Insel geschrieben. Ich bin an allem interessiert, was mit dem Stromboli zu tun hat, und freue mich über jede Nachricht. |
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Roger Bolliger und SusanneVielen Dank für euren Newsletter. Euer Website ist wirklich extrem cool! Meine Freundin und ich waren im September 97 zweimal auf dem Stromboli. Es war herrlich. Wir haben viele Impressionen mitgenommen. Die Farben waren tagsüber überwältigend. Der Morgenanbruch auf dem Gipfel wie der zweite Tag der Schöpfung. Leider konnten wir diese gewaltigen Eindrücke mit der Fotokamera nicht voll auffangen. Dafür werden wir ab und zu reumütig auf der SOL-Site stöbern. Gerne würde ich Euch auch eine kleine Spende zukommen lassen für Euer ehrgeiziges Projekt, welches sicher nicht nur Zeit sondern auch Geld kostet. |
Giancarlo Ranieri
Cosa dire? Stromboli con il suo vulcano "giocattolo" e' semplicemente unica , cosÏ come uniche sono ciascuna delle Eolie. Ho fatto la scalata vera, circa dieci anni fa, rimanendo coinvolto da brevissima distanza in una improvvisa eruzione. Non lo rifarei, ma sono contento di aver vissuto quella irripetibile avventura! :)
Stasera, grazie a voi ho ripercorso le mie orme lungo la scalata virtuale ed Ë stato ancora una volta molto piacevole (e meno faticoso:). Complimenti vivissimi per la bella iniziativa. Ad majora!
Giancarlo Ranieri
Ecco come Giancarlo ricorda quell'avventura!
Bill Brai
writes: «I enjoyed the climb to the top of Stromboli very much. Stromboli is the home of my ancestors from many generations long ago. I have visited Ustica, the birthplace of my great-grandparents and their ancestors earlier this year. The Usticesi are from Lipari and Stromboli.»
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Edna MeriganGreetings from 76 year old Englishwoman now living in Australia. This is my first foreign E-mail and I am also a newbie to the Internet. Your Web Page is superb instructive, entertaining and above all user friendly. Edna Merigan <>, Unit 2/1 Tyrone Street, Geelong VIC 3215, Australia. |
Kay Usenbinz
Zunächst möchte ich ganz herzlich zu diesen wundervollen Internetseiten gratulieren! Es ist ganz einfach wunderbar die Geschehnisse all dieser tollen und interessanten Vulkane mitzuerleben, wenn auch bloß aus der Ferne. Durch das "herumsurfen" im Internet, auf der Suche nach wirklich wichtigen Informationen aus dem Bereich der Geologie, bin ich zum Glück bei Ihnen gelandet. Meine besondere Anerkennung an Sie nicht nur wegen der detaillierten Informationen, sondern auch für die Idee diese Informationen in deutscher Sprache zu veröffentlichen. Kay Usenbinz, Baumschulenweg 87, 15236 Frankfurt, Deutschland
Michael Mirabito
It was interesting to visit your Web site. My grandfather was born in Stromboli and my brother told me about your link. I know the site is designed for educational purposes. But I just wanted to thank you for allowing me to see more of the island than I have been able to see in the past.
As far as my family could piece it together, my grandfather left Stromboli when he was 16 years old (to go to New York City). We think it was around 1901. We don't have exact dates since the year is illegible on his passport. We are still tracking down this information. One of my brothers and my father have been to Stromboli a few times while on vacation. A distant cousin still owns a small home there and has recently refurbished it.
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Christina KellerHallo, mit großer Begeisterung und Bewunderung habe ich Eure Bilder, Videos, Kommentare, Fachausführungen über die in Italien tätigen Vulkane aufgenommen. Man merkt, dass Ihr mit viel Professionalität, aber auch Freude und fesselnder Begeisterung an die Sache rangeht. Man lernt etwas und bekommt dennoch Lust, immer weiter und tiefer Euren Ausführungen zu folgen. Ich selbst bin immer von den Bildern hoch begeistert, würde ich mir doch gerne auch mal so einen Vulkanausbruch aus der Nähe ansehen, allerdings weniger als Tourist, sondern als vulkanologisch interessiert, obwohl ich beruflich rein gar nichts damit zu tun habe. Aber es interessiert mich halt auch die Vorgeschichte, was vor dem Ausbruch kam, wie er sich bemerkbar macht, die möglichen Ausbruchsformen etc. Und da bin ich bei Euch in den besten Händen. Tja, das mußte einfach mal gesagt bzw. geschrieben werden. Vielen Dank und ich kann nur hoffen, dass Ihr so weiter macht. Schöne Grüße an das ganze Team. Christina Keller, Am Wolfshahn 16, D-42117 Wuppertal, Deutschland. |
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Sonja und Joffrey Astahaben sich auf Stromboli kennengelernt und sind nun ein glücklich verheiratetes Paar! |
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Raffaello Lena and Lucilla NicolaiGeologic Lunar Researches Group |
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Tom PfeifferTom Pfeiffer is not only a faithful SOL visitor, but also a good friend of ours. He helped Roby organizing a workshop of the European Seismological Commission in Santorini in 1999 and remained always in contact since then. |
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Peter Schuerch and Thomas van Stiphouttook this remarkable picture of a Stromboli smoke ring from Pizzo on 7. March 2001. |
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Malcolm EllisMy brother Michael Ellis RN passed away on June 2, 2002 after 32 years in the Royal Navy. Around 1959 I remember him telling me that he had visited a volcanic island in the Med. to help evacuate people because the volcano was in danger of destroying towns. The photo shows Destroyer HMS Trafalgar D77. Read more here (PDF format). If you have or want more info, Malcolm's email is |
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