Plants and fungi |
 Moss campion (Silene acaulis; JA) |  Moss campion (JA) |  Moss campion affected by stream erosion (JA) |  Mountain avens (Dryas octopetala; JA) |
 Mountain avens (JA) |  Mountain avens (JA) |  Purple saxifrage (Saxifraga oppositifolia; JA) |  Purple saxifrage, algae mat and desiccation cracks (JA) |
 Arctic mouse-ear (Cerastium arcticum); on the upper right petal is a glacier flea (Desoria saltans; JA) |  Silene uralensis (JA) |  Arctic bell-heather (Cassiope tetragona; JA) |  Saxifraga platysepala in the rain (JA) |
 Drooping saxifrage in the rain (JA) |  Tufted saxifrage (JA) |  Tufted saxifrage with insect (JA) |  Snow buttercup (Ranunculus nivalis; JA) |
 Snow buttercup (Ranunculus nivalis; JA) |  Woolly lousewort (Pedicularis dasyantha; JA) |  Fringed sandwort (Arenaria pseudofrigida; JA) |  Lichen (JA) |
 Lichen (JA) |  Lichen (JA) |  Moss patches (JA) |  Moss patch with dessication cracks (JA) |
 Red and green moss patches (JA) |  Svalbard poppy (Papaver dahlianum; JA) |  Svalbard poppies sheltered by sedimentary rocks (Papaver dahlianum; JA) |  Pale Whitlow Grass (Draba oxycarpa; JA) |
 Pale Whitlow Grass (JA) |  Pale withlowgrass (JA) |  Mushroom (JA) |  Mushroom (stacked photo; JA) |
 Mushrooms (JA) |  Mushrooms and raindrop (JA) |  Mushrooms growing on reindeer droppings (JA) |  Algae in pond on moraine (JA) |
 Moss on small bone (JA) |  Greenland scurvy-grass (JA) | | |