Aerial overview of the area where most boulders shown on this page were found (2006). |  Historic representation of glacier tables on Unteraargletscher. The hunter in the front (bottom, centre) is illustrated much too small giving an unrealistic impression of the size of the glacier table. Source: Lory and Hürlimann (1822). |  Large boulder perched at the end of an ice tail near medial moraine (far left). Another, somewhat smaller boulder right of centre is also located at the end of an ice tail. Bloth boulders are clearly migrating east. Finsteraar section of Unteraargletscher, looking approximately north, Hienderstock in the background (2005). |  The ice pedestal of this glacier table is deflecting a meltwater stream. Finsteraar section of Unteraargletscher, looking approximately north, Hienderstock in the background (2005). |
 Some very boulders on the Finsteraar section of Unteraargletscher are able to produce glacier tables despite the enormous weight. View towards SW; the prominent peak is the Finsteraarhorn (2005). |  boulder sorting along the medial moraine on the Finsteraar section of Unteraargletscher. Hundreds of large boulders have migrated from the medial moraine, visible on the right, towards southeast. Glacier flow, in this part, is towards northeast (2005). Most boulders on Finsteraargletscher are granite (2005). |  One of the biggest boulders encountered on Unteraargletscher in 2005. View towards north on the Finsteraar section of Unteraargletscher. In the background is the confluence with Lauteraargletscher. |  The ice pedestal of this glacier table was first split by a meltwater stream, now flowing under the boulder. Another, very tall glacier table is in the background, projecting against the Finsteraarhorn (2005). |
 Panoramic view of the Finsteraar section of Unteraargletscher.The centre of the image is towards SW. Many boulders have migrated south-eastward from the medial moraine visible on the right, and are now spread over a wide area (2004). |  Classic glacier table on the Strahlegg-Gletscher, in the upper parts of Unteraargletscher, view towards NW (2005). |  Large glacier table on Strahlegg-Glacier; smaller boulders have developed ice tails. View towards SE (2005). |  boulder of shist balancing on a strongly ablated ice pedestal; Strahlegg-Gletscher section of Unteraargletscher, view towards SW (2005). |