Migrating boulders project

Indroduction to the project and download of paper.
Oberaargletscher 2017

Site of field measurements of the movement of migrating boulders in 2017.
Oberaargletscher 2021

Documenting boulder migration using drone photography in 2021.
Oberaaar movie

Time-lapse movie showing development of glacier tables and boulder movement.
Findelgletscher movie

Time-lapse movie showing ablation of glacier surface and boulder movement.

Many examples of migrating boulders, boulder sorting and tails.

Boulder sorting, glacier tables and oversized boulders.
Pasterzen Kees

Glacier tables on Austria's largest glacier (includes stereo anaglyphs).

Here the concept of migrating boulders was first conceived.
Vadret Pers

A glacier rich in phenomena related to migrating boulders.
Vadrec del Forno

A glacier which flows almost exactly towards the N.
Tasman Glacier, NZ

Migrating boulders in the southernhemisphere