Stagnation Glacier proglacial areaThe proglacial area is of considerable interest, but lack of time precluded detailed study. The whole area is sediment-covered, comprising basal till and fluvially reworked sediment with size-fractions ranging from clay to boulder. This sediment covers areas of dead ice, resulting in a pitted surface with occasional kettle ponds. Specific landforms include coarse bouldery flutes and hummocky (ice-stagnation) moraines. Only one small patch of the underlying bedrock was observed, and this was heavily striated. |
 An aerial view of the proglacial area of the glacier, showing the extent of glacier recession since the Little Ice Age moraines were formed. A wide range of sedimentary processes occurs in this area, much of which is underlain by slowly melting ice. |  With Stagnation Glacier in the left background, an unnamed glacier to the east shows similar lateral moraines and an active proglacial area. |  Aerial view of the tall ridge of ice-cored debris that forms the right-lateral moraine of Stagnation Glacier, deposited when the ice emerged from the confines of its narrow valley |  A clear distinction exists between the Little Ice Age moraine, with its ice core, and the active part of the glacier. Small plants are slowly becoming established on the ice-cored debris. |
 An area of hummocky moraine and crudely developed flutes seen from the glacier snout. Eclipse Sound is in the background. |  A mixture of sediment directly deposited from the glacier (the hummocky terrain in the foreground) and stream-reworked sediment (forming the ridges on, and extending from, the ice) characterises the immediate proglacial zone of the glacier. |  The main stream outlet from the snout of Fountain Glacier. Up-valley it flows close to the right-hand ice margin, and picks up suspended sediment along the way. |  A large embedded boulder or outcrop of gneiss, showing an upper striated surface, on which Brian Moorman is sitting. |
 Ice-marginal stream channel, abandoned as the flow of water has migrated to the left and undercut the glacier margin and become subglacial. |  The ice-marginal stream channel has a debris flow superimposed upon it. The coarser material of the debris flow has come of the ice-cored moraine to the right. |  Evidence of dead ice underlying the proglacial area is indicated by the pitted nature of the terrain. Melting of the dead ice has produced a number of kettle hole ponds. |  A prominent ridge of basal glacial debris, a flute, was formed parallel to ice flow, and is one of several in the proglacial area. |
Photos Michael Hambrey, July 2014 |