OverviewThis series of photos shows the variety of phenomena which can be found at Unteraargletscher. The photos start in the accumulation area at the base of Finsteraarhorn, then continue downglacier and end in the glacier forefield. |
 The highest part of the accumulation area is below the east face of Finsteraarhorn. |  Finsteraarhorn at sunrise as seen from Aarbiwak: only one tiny hanging glacier exists in the steep rock face (upper right). |  Ice apron and hanging glacier on Studerhorn; below the beginning of the icefall of Finsteraargletscher (compare next photo). |  Looking across the great icefall at the base of Finsteraarhorn towwards the ice apron of Studerhorn (compareprevious photo). |
 Smaller icefall below Oberaarhorn (far right). |  Huge granite blocks are typical of Finsteraargletscher, the right tributary to Unteraargletscher. |  The same block as in the previous image, from the opposite direction. Lauteraargletscher in the background. |  Air bubbles trapped under a thin layer of ice which has formed overnight in a cryoconite hole. |
 Confluence of Lauteraargletscher (back) and Finsteraargletscher (foreground) at the so-called "Abschwung". |  Great boulders form natural bridges across a meltwater stream near "Abschwung". |  Aerial view across "Abschwung" und Finsteraargletscher towards Studerhorn (with ice apron) and Finsteraarhorn. |  Medial moraine between Lauteraargletscher (lower left) and Finsteraargletscher (top) with small supraglacial meltwater lake. |
 Variegated medial moraines on Unteraargletscher as seen from Lauteraarhütte (Swiss Alpine Club). |  View from the path leading to the hut towards the debris-covered tongue and Grimselsee. |  Aerial photo of kettleholes in the glacier forefield. Path to Lauteraarhütte near left margin. |  Sunrise over the granite rock walls above Unteraargletscher; Finsteraarhorn far right. |
Photos Jürg Alean: aerials August 2004; terrestrial September 2005 |