Walker, Alice: *1944
Movie - The Color Purple
The Color Purple, 2023
- Facts | Trailer | Watch the Movie | Articles
- Facts
- The movie is based on the musical from 2004, but it is not a copy-and-paste adaptation. It has also elements of the novel and the 1985 film.
- Information from Internet Movie Data Base, directed by Blitz Bazawule, starring Fantasia Barrino, Taraji P. Henson; screenplay by Marcus Gardley, Alice Walker
- Information from Wikipedia
- Official site
- Rating
- Soundtrack
- Trailer
- Trailer
- Trailer
- Watch the Movie
Choose how you want to watch the movie from JustWatch (choose country for language) | Amazon Prime | Plex | Letterboxd | TVInsider | TVGuide | YouTube
- Articles
- A heartfelt new version supercharged by a powerhouse cast: "There’s certainly an absolute powerhouse trio of female leads here, supercharging the action with their fierce charisma". The Guardian; December 19, 2023
- The cast and filmmakers discuss the importance of Alice Walker’s novel – its timelessness and how it’s touched so many, from book to landmark 1985 film to 2005 Broadway musical –and what it means for them to be a part of this bold new film. January 18, 2024
- Podcast
What happens when a timeless story like "The Color Purple" meets the grandeur of a musical adaptation? - Podcast
What's the magic that makes the movie connect people across regions, generations, genders, etc.? - The new "Color Purple" exudes joy, but dances past some deeper complexities: "There are no grand diversions from Walker's original text. The traumatic details are all pretty much as one will remember them." NPR; December 19, 2023
The Color Purple, 1985
- Facts | Trailer | Watch the Movie | Articles
- Facts
- Information from Internet Movie Data Base, directed by Steven Spielberg, starring Danny Glover, Whoopi Goldberg.
- Information from Wikipedia
- Rating
- The movie got 12 Oscar nominations, but did not get one Oscar. That was 1985!
- Soundtrack
- Trailer
- Trailer
- Trailer
- Watch the Movie
Choose how you want to watch the movie from JustWatch (choose country for language) | Amazon Prime | Plex | Letterboxd | Roku | TVInsider | TVGuide
- Articles
- The Making of The Color Purple with Steven Spielberg and Alice Walker
- Whoopi Goldberg on controversy over The Color Purple
- The Making of The Color Purple with Steven Spielberg and Alice Walker