Miller, Arthur: 1915-2005

The Crucible, 1953 - Summary

  • The story takes place in the Puritan town of Salem, where a group of young girls, led by Abigail Williams, accuse other townspeople of witchcraft after being caught dancing naked in the woods. As the accusations spread through the community fueled by paranoia, superstition, and vengeance, a court is set up to prosecute the alleged witches.

    The main characters are John Proctor, a local farmer who had an affair with Abigail; his wife Elizabeth; Reverend Parris, whose daughter was one of the accusing girls; and Reverend Hale, a witchcraft expert brought in to investigate the claims. As the trials progress, many innocent people are condemned and executed based on flimsy evidence and coerced confessions.

    John Proctor eventually denounces Abigail as a fraud and is himself accused of witchcraft. He is given a chance to confess falsely and save his life, but he refuses, unwilling to compromise his principles. In the climactic final act, Proctor and other condemned individuals choose to be hanged rather than falsely confess.

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  • Act by act summaries The Crucible