Soda LakesThe Anatolian Plateau is surrounded by high mountain ranges. Therefore, some rivers neither reach the Mediterranean in the South and
West, nor the Black Sea in the North. Their water is discharged, instead, into salt (or soda) lakes, from which it evaporates eventually.
Therefore, these lakes accumulate all sediments and soluble minerals carried into them, in particular the basic rock material erupted by
the volcanoes which are located around them. These salt and soda lakes are part of remarkable landscapes rich in unusual colours. |
 White soda deposits of Col Golu at the foot of snow-capped Erciyes Dagi. |  Yarisli Golu, about 100 km SE of Pamukkale, is completely dry in summer. |  The most spectacular soda lake is Solda Golu, 80 km SE of Pamukkale. |  On the shoreline of Solda Golu on a cloudy spring evening. |
 Salt-torelant reeds near Solda Golu. |  Among the salt-tolerant reeds. |  Salt-tolerant bushes closer to the lake. |  In summer the lake becomes a popular tourist spot. |