18 September 2002, 8h from Jack Boy Hill. A long period seismic wave shakes the dome, triggering rockfalls over all over its flanks. | 18 September 2002, 8h. After a few seconds, the dome totally disappears behind the dust cloud generated by pyroclastic flows. | 20 March 2002, 12h from Vue Pointe Hotel. After a major dome collapse, the ash column rises above the volcano. | 17 September 2002, 11h. The prevailing winds from SE carry the ash column towards the Hotel and cause a major ash fall. |
17 September 2002, 17h from Vue Pointe Hotel. A major dome collapse triggers pyroclastic flows which descend down the Tar River Valley (left) and Tuitt's Ghaut (right). | 17 September 2002, 18h. The ash from pyroclastic flows rises into the sky and block out the sunlight. | 17 September 2002, 18h. The ash column rises 4 km high. Its top remains sunlit long after the sunset at the Hotel. | 20 September 2002, 19h from Vue Pointe Hotel. Minor dome collapse still generates ash which passes infront of the full moon. Fomalhaut above the dome. |