Eyjafjallajökull: subglacial volcanic eruptionAerial photos taken by Marco Fulle during a survey flight in the evening of April 14th, 2010, the first day after the onset of the second eruptive phase at Eyafallajökull. More imagery and explanatory texts are expected to follow. |
 Eyjafjallajokull stratovolcano complex and eruption cloud seen through a gap in the stratocumulus cloud deck. |  The eruption plume from above the stratocumulus cloud deck. |  Note white steam clouds, caused by melting and evaporation of glacier ice, behind the ash clouds. |  Ash clouds from the eruption site; note ash precipitating from the clouds on to the stratocumulus clouds. |
 The eruption plume from up close. |  Eruption cloud and outlet glacier of the Eyafallajökull icecap. Note dark flow marks right of centre. |  Massive lahars have eroded deep meltwater channels near the terminus of the outlet glacier. |  The glacier tongue and meltwater channels seen from a different angle. |
 Proglacial lake and Little Ice Age moraine in the foreground; note stranded ice debris along the shore of the strongly modified glacial lake. |  Floodplain below the glacier shortly after the maximum meltwater discharge. |  Path of the lahar, looking towards the Atlantic Ocean. |  Interrupted coastal road and lahar flowing. |
Photos Marco Fulle, 14 April 2010 |