Roche moutonnée emerging from the receding snout of Vadret da Tschierva, September 2009. |  Narrow longitudinal crevasse near the glacier snout, looking towards the Bernina group, September 2009. |  A deeply incised supraglacial stream flows down the middle of the glacier, originating at the foot of the icefall, September 2009. |  Close-up view of meanders in the melt-stream. The channel walls are about 2 metres high. |
 Students standing near a huge moulin where the large melt-stream disappears into the glacier. |  Moulin associated with a small supraglacial stream near the debris-mantled part of the glacier. |  The ablated-back edge of a former deeply incised channel, superimposed upon which are meltwater runnels arranged in a dendritic (branching) manner. |  Cryoconite holes with debris and organic matter at their base. |
 Transverse foliation, originating in the icefall, attains a near horizontal dip as seen in these longitudinal crevasses near the glacier snout. |  Up glacier the transverse foliation becomes progressively steeper, as viewed in the wall of an abandoned supraglacial stream. |  Associated with transverse foliation, large-scale folding (several metres amplitude) is the product of compressive deformation near the foot of the icefall. |  The large 1988 rockfall on the tributary to Vadret da Tschierva, dwarfs the Swiss Alpine Club hut above the Little Ice Age moraine on the left, September 2009. |