Williams, Tennessee: 1911-1983

The Rose Tattoo, 1951 - Information about the Book

  • General Information
  • Facts

    • Some of the most notable awards are:

      Tony Award for Best Play (1951)

      New York Drama Critics' Circle Award for Best Play (1951)

      Pulitzer Prize for Drama (1951)

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    • Serafina Delle Rose
      The central character, a passionate and proud Sicilian-American widow living in a Gulf Coast village. She is devastated by the death of her husband Rosario and refuses to accept that he was unfaithful to her. Serafina is characterized by her boastful pride and virility.

      Rosario Delle Rose
      Serafina's late husband, who is never seen on stage. He was a truck driver involved in smuggling illegal goods, and had affairs with other women like Estelle Hohengarten, despite Serafina's idealization of him as a virile, manly figure.

      Rosa Delle Rose
      Serafina's teenage daughter, who takes after her father's good looks and charisma. She clashes with her mother, especially over her relationship with Jack Hunter, a young sailor.

      An elderly woman who is Serafina's closest friend and confidante. She sells herbal remedies and provides wise counsel, overlooking Serafina's flaws.

      Alvaro Mangiacavallo
      A truck driver who sells bananas and becomes Serafina's new love interest, helping her move on from mourning Rosario. Initially repulsed by his ordinary nature, Serafina eventually gives in to her passion for him.

      Estelle Hohengarten
      The woman with whom Rosario was having an affair, revealed when she asks Serafina to make a shirt for "the man she loves."

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    • Sexuality and Desire
      The play celebrates sexuality as a vital life force, exemplified by Serafina's reverence for her late husband Rosario's virility. Serafina's obsession with Rosario's sexual prowess and her eventual seduction by Alvaro underscore Williams' view of sex as essential to human relationships and fulfillment. The play has a Dionysian spirit, invoking ancient pagan celebrations of fertility and sensuality.

      Pride and Hubris
      Serafina's excessive pride in her husband and boastful nature constitute a tragic flaw reminiscent of ancient Greek drama. Her hubris leads her to idolize Rosario and view herself as superior, until she learns humility by accepting his imperfections and her own ordinariness. This mirrors the downfall of the tragic hero due to hubris in classical tragedy.

      Humanity and the Ridiculous
      While borrowing from tragic conventions, the play ultimately portrays humans as flawed, ridiculous creatures through its comedic elements and clownish characters. Williams fondly suggests that despite suffering, the human condition is essentially comic and undignified. The blending of tragic and comic modes reflects Williams's nuanced perspective on humanity.

      Idolatry and Religion
      Williams juxtaposes pagan and Christian symbolism, with Serafina's shrine to Rosario's ashes mirroring idolatry. Her defiance of Catholic doctrine signals a rejection of conventional religious morality in favor of a more primal, Dionysian reverence for life's sensual pleasures.

      In summation, "The Rose Tattoo" interweaves themes of sexuality, pride, humanity's ridiculousness, and pagan spirituality, reflecting Williams's unique synthesis of comic and tragic modes to explore the complexities of human nature.

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    • "The Rose Tattoo" is generally perceived as a departure from Williams's more well-known tragic plays. While it retains some of his signature themes and style, the play is considered more light-hearted and experimental in its blending of comedic elements, ancient Greek tragedy, and Dionysian celebration.

      Critics have noted the play's bawdiness, farcical moments, and the way it gets its characters into ridiculous situations, contributing to its comedic tone. At the same time, the play's main character, Serafina Delle Rose, is seen as a tragic figure with a major flaw, like classic tragic heroes.

      The setting of a Gulf Coast village populated by Italian Americans with Sicilian roots is also considered unique for Williams's work, which is more often set in the American South. The play's focus on virility and life is seen as a nod to the god Dionysus, associated with love, intoxication, and right worship.

      Overall, "The Rose Tattoo" is regarded as an experiment in comedy for Williams, blending various dramatic traditions into a play that is both humorous and thought-provoking in its exploration of themes like pride, humility, and the celebration of life

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