Shaw, George Bernard: 1856-1950

Saint Joan, 1923 - Information about the Book

  • General Information
  • Facts

    • The play was a major success when it premiered in 1923.

      Some of the most notable awards are:

      Nobel Prize in Literature (1925): While Shaw was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature for his body of work as a whole, "Saint Joan" played a significant role in the recognition. The Nobel committee highlighted his work as an author who both inspired and delighted the world with his idealism and humanity.

      New York Drama Critics' Circle Award (1936): The play received the award for Best Foreign Play in its revival, highlighting its enduring impact and continued relevance in the theatre world.

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    • Character Analysis

    • Nationalism and Patriotism
      Shaw explores the fervent nationalism that Joan inspires in the French people. Her sense of divine mission is intertwined with a strong sense of national identity and patriotism.

      Individual vs. Institution
      The play emphasizes the conflict between Joan, an individual with a strong personal conviction, and the established institutions of church and state. Her trial and execution highlight the dangers of challenging powerful institutions.

      Gender and Power
      Joan's role as a female military leader in a male-dominated society is central to the play. Shaw examines the limitations and prejudices she faces due to her gender and how she overcomes them through her sheer will and capabilities.

      Faith and Rationality
      Shaw presents Joan as a figure of deep faith who is guided by her visions. However, the play also delves into the rational skepticism of those around her. This tension between faith and rationality is a critical aspect of the narrative.

      Heroism and Martyrdom
      Joan's journey from peasant girl to national hero and martyr is a testament to her extraordinary courage and determination. Shaw's depiction of her martyrdom raises questions about the nature of heroism and the price of unwavering conviction.

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