Shaw, George Bernard: 1856-1950

Pygmalion, 1913 - Information about the Book

  • General Information
    • Pygmalion was first performed at the Holfburg Theatre in Vienna on 16 October 1913, and its English-Language premiere took place at His Majesty's Theatre in the West End in April 1914.
    • The play is a humane comedy about love and the English class system.
    • Information from Wikipedia
    • Information from StageAgent

    • Shaw’s long, celibate marriage and his affair with actress Mrs. Patrick Campbell—who inspired the role of Eliza—reflect his ambivalence toward traditional romantic relationships. This is mirrored in "Pygmalion," where the relationship between Professor Higgins and Eliza remains ambiguous and avoids a conventional romantic resolution.

      Born into a struggling middle-class family, Shaw experienced firsthand the rigid class distinctions of his time.

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  • Facts
    • The story is based on the myth of Pygmalion as told in Ovid's Metamorphoses, Book 10.
    • The Source of the Title
    • Awards: While the original 1913 play did not win any major awards upon its premiere, it is considered a landmark work that helped establish Shaw as one of the leading playwrights of his era.
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    • Characters

    • Language and Speech
      The central theme is the transformative power of language and speech. Eliza Doolittle's journey from a Cockney flower girl to a refined lady through intense linguistic training highlights how language shapes perceptions of class and identity. Shaw emphasizes the importance of effective communication and challenges the idea that social superiority and linguistic sophistication are mutually exclusive.

      Social Class and Mobility
      Pygmalion critiques rigid class distinctions by showing how Eliza can be accepted in upper-class society through proper speech and manners, despite her lower-class origins. The play breaks down the framework of social class and questions the validity of judging people's worth based on appearances and accents. Eliza's transformation compels us to consider the inequalities and obstacles to upward mobility in society.

      Identity and Transformation
      The play explores the malleability of identity and the profound influence of environment and education on character. Eliza's metamorphosis is both physical and psychological, challenging us to question the power of external forces in shaping identity. Shaw also encourages reflection on the complex relationship between appearance and identity, and the facades we present to the world.

      Femininity and Gender Roles
      Pygmalion serves as a platform to challenge traditional notions of femininity and gender roles. Eliza's journey defies societal expectations and highlights the inherent strength within every individual, regardless of gender norms. The play invites audiences to reconsider the evolving roles of women in society.

      Through these themes, Shaw offers social commentary on class, language, identity and gender, using the story of Eliza's transformation as a vehicle to critique the prevailing attitudes of his time. The play remains relevant for its exploration of issues that transcend its original setting.

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    • "Pygmalion" was highly regarded by critics upon its debut. Shaw's sharp wit and social commentary were praised, and the play's clever dialogue and engaging characters drew favorable reviews.

      Shaw's play was recognized for its insightful critique of the British class system and its exploration of themes like identity, transformation, and the arbitrary nature of social distinctions.

      While generally well-received, "Pygmalion" did spark some controversy. Some critics and audience members were uncomfortable with Shaw's portrayal of social issues and his critique of the class system. Additionally, the play's ending was a subject of debate, as it diverged from traditional romantic resolutions and left Eliza's future ambiguous.

      The play's enduring themes and memorable characters have kept it in the public consciousness for over a century.

      In summary, "Pygmalion" was widely perceived as a brilliant, thought-provoking play that combined humor with incisive social critique. It enjoyed both critical and popular success, despite sparking some controversy with its bold themes and unconventional ending.

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    • Reader Rating:
  • Commentary
    • George Bernard Shaw’s "Pygmalion" is a compelling social critique disguised as a romantic comedy. The play explores themes of transformation, identity, and class through the story of Eliza Doolittle, a Cockney flower girl, and Henry Higgins, a phonetics professor. Higgins bets he can transform Eliza into a refined lady by teaching her proper speech, but this “experiment” raises questions about social mobility and individuality. While Eliza successfully adopts the manners of the upper class, she remains trapped between social strata, highlighting the superficiality of class distinctions.

      Shaw critiques the rigid class system and gender dynamics of Edwardian England, emphasizing Eliza’s journey toward independence. Unlike the mythological Pygmalion, where the sculptor marries his creation, Shaw rejects this trope. Instead, Eliza asserts her autonomy by leaving Higgins, symbolizing her growth into a self-reliant individual. Through wit and satire, Shaw challenges societal norms, advocating for equality and self-determination while exposing the limitations of external transformations.

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  • Reviews
    • Book Review: "I recommend this book to young adults and older. I wish, especially, that women would read this and learn to expect more from their relationships." Lara's Wanderings; October 17, 2018
    • Review: "The plot of this play is amazing in its simplicity." A Universe in Words; August 13, 2012
  • Explanations