Shakespeare, William: 1564-1616

King Lear, 1608 - Information about the Play

  • General Information
    • The play is about political authority as much as it is about family dynamics. Lear is not only a father but also a king, and when he gives away his authority he delivers not only himself and his family but all of Britain into chaos and cruelty.
    • Information from Wikipedia
    • Information from StageAgent
  • Facts
    • King Lear was written about 1605 or 1606. It is based on the legendary King Leir of the Britons, whose story is outlined in Geoffrey of Monmouth’s pseudohistorical History of the Kings of Britain (written in about 1136).
    • Characters

    • Madness and Sanity
      The descent of King Lear into madness is central to the play. This madness contrasts with the feigned madness of Edgar and the insightful fool, who often speaks truth disguised as folly.

      Power and Authority
      The transfer of power from Lear to his daughters and the subsequent abuse of that power by Goneril and Regan is a critical element. The play explores the consequences of relinquishing authority and the fragile nature of political power.

      Loyalty and Betrayal
      Loyalty is portrayed through characters like Kent and Cordelia, while betrayal is embodied by Goneril, Regan, and Edmund. The contrast between these actions highlights the moral landscape of the play.

      Justice and Injustice
      The play questions the existence of justice in the world, depicting the suffering of good characters and the initial triumph of evil ones. This theme is encapsulated in Gloucester’s line, “As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods; / They kill us for their sport.”

      Blindness and Insight
      Literal and metaphorical blindness play significant roles. Lear is blind to the true nature of his daughters, Gloucester is literally blinded, and both characters gain insight through their suffering.

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