Rhue, Morton (Strasser, Todd): *1950

The Wave, 1981 - Summary

  • The story follows a high school history teacher, Ben Ross, who creates a social experiment called "The Wave" to teach his students about the dangers of fascism and authoritarianism.

    Through strict rules, slogans, and rituals, the students in the experiment are encouraged to feel part of a unified community and to suppress their individuality. As the experiment gains momentum, the students become more and more invested in it, eventually turning on those who resist or question the movement. The situation spirals out of control, leading to tragic consequences.

    The main protagonist is Laurie Saunders, the editor of the school newspaper, who initially supports the experiment but later realizes its true nature and begins to expose it. Other key characters include David Collins, Laurie's boyfriend who initially buys into the experiment, and Robert Billings, the class outcast who becomes a proponent of The Wave.

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