Rankin, Ian: *1960

The Naming of the Dead, 2006 - Information about the Book

  • General Information
    • This is the sixteenth of the Inspector Rebus crime novels. It is set in Edinburgh in July 2005, in the week of the G8 summit in Gleneagles.
    • Information from Wikipedia
  • Facts
    • Awards:
      While "The Naming of the Dead" itself is not mentioned as having won awards, it is part of Rankin's critically acclaimed Inspector Rebus series and was a bestseller.
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    • Inspector John Rebus: The protagonist, a veteran detective nearing retirement.

      Detective Sergeant Siobhan Clarke: Rebus's protégé and trusted colleague.

      Professor Sandy Gates: A forensic pathologist who has appeared in previous Rebus novels.

      Doctor Curt: Another forensic pathologist who has worked with Rebus before.

      Mairie Henderson: A journalist who helps Rebus and Clarke with the investigation.

      Morris Cafferty: An Edinburgh gangster who becomes involved in the case.

      Richard Pennen: A weapons dealer who comes under suspicion.

      James Corbyn: The new Chief Constable who tries to control the investigation.

      David Steelforth: A Special Branch commander overseeing the G8 summit policing.

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    • Edinburgh Setting
      The novel is set in Edinburgh during the 2005 G8 Summit at Gleneagles, when world leaders descended on Scotland. Rankin provides a vivid portrayal of his hometown, depicting the city under siege with heavy security and protests surrounding the summit. He explores the contrasts between the privileged elite and the local underworld thriving amidst the chaos.

      G8 Summit and Protests
      A central backdrop is the G8 Summit itself, with figures like George W. Bush, Tony Blair, and Bono making appearances. Rankin examines the protests and anarchist groups that converged on Edinburgh to demonstrate against the summit and global issues like poverty.

      Murder Investigations
      Amidst the summit chaos, Rebus investigates the suspicious death of a politician who fell from Edinburgh Castle during a pre-summit dinner. He also looks into the grisly murders of recently released rapists, which may be the work of a vigilante serial killer leaving clues at the "Clootie Well."

      Rebus's Maverick Character
      True to form, the curmudgeonly Rebus defies authority and protocol to pursue the cases, blurring boundaries between legal and ethical lines. Rankin explores Rebus's flaws, intuition, and contempt for privilege through his distinctive wit and irreverent perspective on the events.

      By weaving a gripping crime narrative into the real-life backdrop of the 2005 G8 Summit in Edinburgh, Rankin provides an insightful and entertaining commentary on power, politics, and individual responsibility in the modern world.

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    • Reader Rating:
  • Author
    • Ian Ranking talks about writing the novel. Host: Sven Boedecker. Zurich. SwissEduc; December 6, 2007
    • Ian Rankin talks about his latest Inspector John Rebus novel, The Naming of the Dead. WNYC Radio, New York; April 13, 2007
    • Audio (10:40)
      Ian Rankin talks with Liane Hanson. Rebus finds himself confronting dangers political as well as physical. NPR Radio; April 22, 2007
    • Ian Rankin on The Naming of the Dead
  • Articles
    • Review: "Ian Rankin is one of the world's most respected authors and "The Naming of the Dead" is another example of why." Sunnie Gill, Australia; March 2007
    • Review: "The use of dialogue is excellent - it's Rankin"
    • Review: "This is very much a novel about the permanence of loss". October 27, 2006
    • Review: "Unlike many fictional detectives, Rebus has changed over the years. His character has deepened, his disillusionment become more disturbing". Allan Massie; October 14, 2006