Priestley, J.B.: 1894-1984

An Inspector Calls, 1947 - Information about the Book

  • General Information
    • The play denounces the hypocrisy and callousness of capitalism and argues that a just society can only be achieved if all individuals feel a sense of social responsibility.
    • Information from universalteacher
    • Information from Wikipedia
    • Information from StageAgent
  • Facts
    • Awards:
      While the original 1947 Broadway production does not appear to have won any major awards, the play became a major critical and awards success decades later .
      Developed by Perplexity AI
    • Dramatic effect
    • Themes
    • Glossary of Key Terms

    • Inspector Goole - The mysterious Inspector who arrives unexpectedly at the Birling household to investigate the death of Eva Smith/Daisy Renton. He is a powerful, imposing figure who interrogates each character about their involvement with Eva. The Inspector represents moral authority and social responsibility, forcing the characters to confront the consequences of their actions.

      Arthur Birling - The patriarch of the Birling family, a prosperous industrialist and former Lord Mayor. He is arrogant, self-satisfied, and more concerned with his reputation and potential knighthood than the welfare of his workers. He fired Eva from his factory for demanding higher wages.

      Sybil Birling - Arthur's wife, a prominent figure in local women's charity groups. She is cold, snobbish, and refuses to accept any responsibility for denying help to the pregnant and destitute Eva.

      Sheila Birling - The Birlings' daughter, initially portrayed as naive but becomes remorseful after learning of her role in Eva's dismissal from a job. She is the most receptive to the Inspector's message about social responsibility.

      Eric Birling - The Birlings' son, an alcoholic who had an affair with Eva and got her pregnant. He stole money from his father's business to support her but was rejected when Eva discovered the stolen money.

      Gerald Croft - Sheila's fiancé and son of a wealthy industrialist. He had an affair with Eva (known to him as Daisy Renton) and provided her temporary shelter before ending the relationship.

      Eva Smith/Daisy Renton - The unseen protagonist, a young working-class woman whose suicide due to the callous treatment by the Birlings and Gerald drives the plot. She represents the oppressed and underprivileged in society.

      Developed by Perplexity AI

    • Character and Theme

    • Social Responsibility
      One of the central themes is the idea of social responsibility and how the wealthy upper classes treated and exploited the working class. The Inspector serves as a voice for social conscience, interrogating the Birling family about their callous treatment of Eva Smith/Daisy Renton that ultimately led to her suicide. The play criticizes the lack of compassion and accountability among the privileged classes.

      Capitalism vs. Socialism
      The play contrasts the capitalist, profit-driven mindset of Mr. Birling with the socialist values of community and equality espoused by the Inspector. It suggests that unchecked capitalism and greed can lead to human suffering, while advocating for a more ethical, socially responsible system.

      Class Divide
      The vast class divide between the wealthy Birling family and the working-class Eva Smith is stark. The play highlights the power imbalance and how the upper classes could drastically impact the lives of the lower classes through their actions or inaction.

      Gender Roles
      Sheila's jealousy towards Eva's beauty, which led to her getting Eva fired, touches on the constraints and expectations placed on women at the time. The play also examines the differing attitudes towards women between the older and younger generations.

      Generational Divide
      There is a clear generational gap between the older, set-in-their-ways Birlings and the younger Sheila and Eric who are more open to the Inspector's message of social responsibility. This reflects the changing attitudes of post-war Britain.

      In essence, "An Inspector Calls" uses the premise of a mysterious inspector's interrogation to deliver a scathing critique of the moral failings of capitalism and the upper classes, while advocating for a more ethical, socialist society.

      Developed by Perplexity AI

  • Articles
    • How JB Priestley’s Inspector first called on the USSR: "It opened first in Leningrad as “This You Will Not Forget”, then in Moscow where it was retitled “He Came”: the new titles were needed because in Russia an inspector is a government official." The Guardian; August 29, 2015
    • Review; mainly about a production with the St Hilda’s College Drama Society
    • Key quotes for Mr Birling with explanations and analyses
    • A Detailed Analysis of An Inspector Calls: "Perhaps the ultimate aim of the play is that the audience leave the theatre having learnt their lesson."
    • The Play's Unique Place in Drama. "To some degree this somewhat naturalistic, somewhat expressionist play reminds one of the early twentieth-century trend of the psychological novel, where the interesting things are the conversations and people's nuanced thoughts and reactions to their experiences."
    • Explantion 1
    • Explantion 2
    • Play performed by the Theatrical Company, 2014