Pierre, DBC: *1961
Information about DBC Pierre
- General Information
- Information from Wikipedia
- Information from the British Council with bibliography
- Facts
- His real name is Peter Warren Finlay. The initials DBC stand for "dirty but clean." See Pierre's explanation of his name
- Books with additional information
- Articles
- How did I get here?. "From a childhood lived in luxury, with servants and security and a limited understanding of how the mechanics of life worked, or a concept of reality, he was plunged at the age of 16 into chaos, when his father was diagnosed with a brain tumour and removed to New York for treatment." The Guardian; October 16, 2003
- 'Dirty but clean' Pierre beats his past: "A reformed drug addict and gambler, he sold the home of his best friend - and pocketed the proceeds." BBC; October 15, 2003
- Conquering writer’s block and inner demons to boot: "Pierre believes some people are programmed to fail. And he includes himself." The Irish Examiner; October 29, 2016
- Audio (24:30)
DBC Pierre and the Last Aztec: "His whole life changed when, as a young filmmaker in his 20s, he went on a mission to find the lost treasure of the legendary Aztec emperor Moctezuma." Radio National Australia; October 3, 2010 - Photos
- DBC Pierre talks about a cartoon, called Super 6. Watch the 1966 "Brothers Matzoriley in Heau Beau Jest" episode, along with the Super 6 opening and closing.