McDonell, Nick: *1984
Information about Nick McDonell
- General Information
- Facts
- Biography
- Podcast
Nick McDonell has worked as a journalist, screenwriter, producer, novelist and researcher. 2023 - Bibliography
- Articles
- What I did in my holidays: "I'm terrified of getting what I'm not deserving of, feeling that I've got something for nothing...' he says and laughs a little wildly, 'at the expense of brilliant starving writers all over the world. But I have to hope these people who are helping me have integrity." Guardian Unlimited, June 16, 2002.
- Don't Hate Him ...: "What is perhaps the most interesting expression of McDonell’s privilege is not that it has allowed him to succeed but the effortlessness with which he shoulders his success." New York Magazine; August 11, 2005
- Audio (6:45)
Madeleine Brand profiles Nick McDonell: "Nick McDonell is 18, well-connected in New York's literary circles and going to Harvard this fall. And his just-published first novel,Twelve, is drawing largely positive reviews on both sides of the Atlantic." NPR Radio; July 25, 2002