MacLaverty, Bernard: * 1942

Lamb, 1980 - Summary

  • The novel centers around Michael Lamb, a young Catholic brother working at a strict institution for troubled boys in rural Ireland. Disillusioned with the harsh treatment of the boys, especially the epileptic Owen Kane, Michael decides to abscond with Owen after inheriting a small sum of money from his late father.

    Posing as father and son, Michael and Owen flee to London in search of freedom and happiness. However, their journey is fraught with challenges as their limited funds dwindle and the authorities launch a nationwide search for the missing "kidnapper" and child.

    In London, they take refuge in a squat with a shady character named Haddock. As their situation becomes increasingly desperate, Michael's paternal love for Owen drives him to make an uncompromising and shocking decision, leading to a devastating conclusion.

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