Lee, Harper: 1926 - 2016
To Kill a Mockingbird, 1960 - Teaching
- If you have any study help you would like to share, please get in contact with SwissEduc.
- Study Guides | Other Teaching Help
- Study Guides
- Studying To Kill a Mockingbird: excellent lesson plan with just about everything you need.
- Excellent of information from shmoop
- Cummings
- Course Hero
- PBSLearningMedia: students explore the importance of setting in literature and are introduced to the three main components of setting: time, place, and the social conditions in the story.
- Film Study Guide
- Teaching "To Kill A Mockingbird" - a NHC Education Program
- To Kill A Mockingbird and the Scottsboro Boys Trial: Profiles in Courage: "Students are required to study select court transcripts and other primary source material from the second Scottsboro Boys Trial of 1933." Lesson Plan from Edsitement
- Profiles in Courage: "Students are asked to read with an eye for all instances and manifestations of courage, but particularly those of moral courage." Lesson Plan from Edsitement
- Two Trials for the Classroom: "Students will perform a comparative close reading of select informational texts from the Scottsboro Boys trials." Lesson Plan from Edsitement
- Collection of Lesson Plans
- The following sites may also have study guides, but most of the time you have to pay or can access only some parts of the guides:
BookRags | Grade Saver | Spark Notes | Super Summary | Teachers Pay Teachers
- Other Teaching Help