Hosseini, Khaled: *1965

A Thousand Splendid Suns, 2007 - Summary

  • The novel is divided into four parts:
    1. Mariam, an illegitimate child, is forced by her bitter mother to marry the older Rasheed after her mother's death. Rasheed initially treats her well but becomes abusive when she suffers multiple miscarriages.
    2. Laila, a bright young girl, falls in love with her childhood friend Tariq. When her family is killed in the war, she is taken in by Mariam and Rasheed, who forces her to become his second wife after telling her Tariq is dead.
    3. Mariam and Laila initially resent each other but eventually form a deep bond as they endure Rasheed's cruelty together. Tariq returns alive, revealing Rasheed's lie, leading to a violent confrontation.
    4. Rasheed is killed, and Mariam is executed for his murder. Laila and Tariq escape to Pakistan with their children.

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