Homes, A.M.: *1961

This Book Will Save Your Life, 2006 - Information about the Book

  • General Information
    • This is a tale of a rich man coming back to life to become a Nice Person in Los Angeles; filled with bizarrely improbable events and bizarrely improbable people, it is a telling satire on excesses of modern America.
  • Facts

    • Some of the most notable awards are:

      Richard and Judy's Book Club: The novel was selected for the Richard and Judy Book Club, which significantly boosted its visibility and readership in the UK. This selection is known for influencing book sales and public interest.

      Orange Prize for Fiction: A.M. Homes has been longlisted for the Orange Prize for Fiction (now known as the Women's Prize for Fiction), which is one of the most prestigious literary awards celebrating female authors.

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    • Richard Novak - The main protagonist, a wealthy day trader living in isolation in the Hollywood Hills until a health scare causes him to reevaluate his life and reconnect with others.

      Anhil - The friendly owner of a donut shop that Richard befriends.

      Sylvia Rayburn - Richard's demanding nutritionist.

      Crisman - Richard's eccentric personal trainer.

      Benjie - Richard's estranged teenage son who comes to live with him for the summer.

      Patti - Richard's ex-wife and Benjie's mother, living in New York.

      Vernon - Richard's younger brother, a scientist in Boston that he reconnects with.

      Liz Kroft - A lonely woman Richard meets crying in a grocery store and befriends.

      Shalmor - Richard's wealthy movie star neighbor.

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    • Existential Crisis and Self-Discovery
      The protagonist, Richard Novak, is a wealthy but emotionally detached man who experiences a physical and existential crisis that forces him to re-evaluate his life and priorities. His journey of self-discovery leads him to open up to new relationships and experiences.

      Suburban Satire
      Set in Los Angeles, the novel satirizes aspects of modern suburban life, consumerism, and the pursuit of the American Dream. Homes uses dark humor and surreal elements to comment on societal norms and values.

      Relationships and Human Connection
      A central theme is the importance of forming meaningful connections with others. Richard's isolation is contrasted with the relationships he gradually builds, particularly with his neighbors and their community.

      Redemption and Personal Growth
      Despite his initial detachment, Richard undergoes a transformative process of personal growth and redemption as he embraces new experiences and relationships, finding purpose and fulfillment.

      Critique of Modern Society
      The novel offers a critique of modern American society, exploring issues such as materialism, superficiality, and the disconnect between people's desires and their actual lives.

      Homes skillfully blends humor, satire, and poignant character development to explore these themes, making "This Book Will Save Your Life" a thought-provoking and ultimately uplifting novel about finding one's way back to a more authentic existence.

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    • Reader Rating:
  • Reviews
  • Articles
    • Author A.M. Homes discusses "This Book Will Save Your Life." The John Adams Institute; 2006
    • How to be good. The Guardian; June 10, 2006