Hemingway, Ernest: 1899 - 1961
Information about Ernest Hemingway
- General Information
- Biography
- Biography
- Wrestling With Life (documentary)
- The Early Years
- The Later Years
- Biography from ABC English Story; 12 minutes
- A 5 minute biography
- Podcast
- Podcast
About Hemingway's life - Podcast
Hemingway and his wife Hadley lived in Paris, where he was foreign correspondent for the Toronto Star from 1922 until Hadley became pregnant in 1923 when they returned to Toronto. Plus about the story "My Old Man."
- Bibliography
- Familiy
- Hemingway's Family of Origin. The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library
- FBI main file on Hemingway about the intelligence work on behalf of the U.S. Embassy in Havana, Cuba between 1942 and 1944.
- Ernest Hemingway's son shares memories of his life with his father.
- Articles
- Collection of Articles. The Guardian
- Collection of Articles. The New York Times
- Hemingway on War and Its Aftermath: "During the First World War, Ernest Hemingway volunteered to serve in Italy as an ambulance driver with the American Red Cross." The U.S. National Archives; Spring 2006
- Hemingway was a brilliant writer and a terrible person: "He was selfish and egomaniacal, a faithless husband and a treacherous friend. He drank too much, he brawled and bragged too much, he was a thankless son and, at times, a negligent father. He was also a great writer." America, the Jesuit Review; April 09, 2021
- Homage to Hemingway by Julian Barnes; June 27, 2011
- The Letters of Ernest Hemingway: "It’s precisely the thoroughness of the collection, the light that it sheds on so many different facets of the author’s life, that makes it such a valuable resource for scholars and such a pleasure for the serious Hemingway fan." The National Endowment for the Humanities; March 28, 2014
- Hemingway’s Hamburger Recipe Was Nothing Like His Famously Spare Prose: "A delectable morsel for Ernest Hemingway fans to savor has surfaced recently: his favorite recipe for burgers, which crams more condiments within than most aficionados would pile on top." The National Endowment for the Humanities; July/August 2014
- Geography
- Hemingway's Birthplace. Oak Park, IL
- The Hemingway Museum in Key West, Florida.
- Hemingway in Switzerland. The village where he lived, Chamby, is north of Montreux, close to Chernez.
- Ernest Hemingway's Toronto Ties. Toronto Public Library
- Visit to a former home of Ernest Hemingway in Key West. Hemingway loved Key West and left a mark on the town