Grisham, John: *1955

Ford County, 2009 - Information about the Book

  • General Information
  • Facts
    • Author John Grisham talks about the collection
    • Awards: While the book itself didn't win any major literary awards, John Grisham is a highly acclaimed author known for his legal thrillers.

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    • In "Blood Drive", we meet Inez Graney, a wheelchair-bound woman, and her two older sons who embark on a bizarre road trip to visit her youngest son Raymond on death row.

      "Fetching Raymond" centers around the McBride family - a mother and her three sons with criminal records, visiting Raymond in prison.

      "Fish Files" introduces a struggling divorce lawyer who gets caught up in a shady scheme after answering a fateful phone call.

      In "Michael's Room", a young boy named Michael dying of leukemia forms a bond with his paralyzed roommate Carl Lee in the hospital.

      "Funny Boy" tells the story of Adrian Keane, a gay man dying of AIDS in the 1980s, who returns to his hometown and is taken in by Miss Emporia, an elderly black woman, facing prejudice and ignorance from the community.

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    • The novellas in "Ford County" cover a diverse range of topics and themes, including:
      - Small town life and gossip in the American South.
      - The legal system and unethical lawyers.
      - Family dynamics and dysfunctional relationships.
      - Prejudice and ignorance around AIDS in the 1980s.
      - Revenge and taking the law into one's own hands.
      - Moral dilemmas and ethically complex situations.

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    • The book was praised for its diverse range of stories and characters, offering a rich tapestry of life in a small Southern town. Each story is unique, yet they all provide insights into the human condition and legal dilemmas.

      While generally well-received, some critics pointed out that the stories varied in quality. A few felt that certain stories lacked the depth and impact of Grisham's full-length novels.

      Grisham's straightforward and engaging narrative style was praised for making the stories accessible and enjoyable. His ability to weave humor and poignancy into the tales added to their appeal.

      Overall, "Ford County" was seen as a strong addition to Grisham's body of work, offering a blend of suspense, drama, and insightful observations about life in the South.

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    • Reader Rating:
  • Reviews
    • Review. "Set in the small town of Clanton in Ford County, Mississippi: population of 10,000 but enough conflict to support fifty-one lawyers." June 27, 2022