Forster, E. M.: 1879-1970
Movie - A Passage to India, 1984
- Facts
- Information from Internet Movie Data Base, directed by David Lean, starring Judy Davies, Victor Banerjee, Peggy Ashcroft.
- Information from Wikipedia
- Rating:
- Trailer
- Trailer
- Trailer
- Watch the Movie
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- Articles
- Review: "Forster creates a world in which there are no connections, where Indians and Englishmen speak the same language but do not understand each other." Roger Ebert; January 01, 1984
- Review: "The movie version, adapted, directed, and edited by David Lean, is an admirable piece of work." Pauline Kael
- Actors talk about the casting
- Various participants talk about shooting the movie with David Lean
- David Lean reflects on shooting the movie
- The Making Of 'A Passage To India' with an short biography of E.M. Forster
- Watch Different Versions
- 1965 version, starring Sybil Thorndike, Virginia McKenna
- 1965 version, starring Sybil Thorndike, Virginia McKenna