Forster, E. M.: 1879-1970

Howards End, 1910 - Geography

  • Hilton is modeled after Stevenage, Hertfordshire, UK

  • Location and Description
    Hilton is described in the novel as a long village on the Great North Road, which corresponds to Stevenage Old Town. The fictional town is portrayed with residential estates on either side, mirroring the layout of Stevenage a century ago.

    Landmarks and Geography
    Several landmarks mentioned in "Howards End" can be linked to real locations in Stevenage:
    St Nicholas church, where grave diggers can see over the town
    The Avenue, which Margaret Wilcox walks up to reach Howards End
    The railway station, described as being in Julian's Road alongside a bridge
    The Six Hills, mentioned as being on the east side of the Great North Road

    The novel describes the railway approach to Hilton, mentioning tunnels and the Digswell viaduct, which are features of the real railway line near Stevenage.

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