Foer, Jonathan Safran: *1977
Information about Jonathan Safran Foer
- General Information
- Facts
- Articles
- Recent grad's first novel attracts attention: ""Everything Is Illuminated" is loosely autobiographical, describing a trip he made to the Ukraine in the summer after his junior year." Princeton Weekly Bulletin, May 21, 2001
- Audio (2:08)
Loud and Close: Alan Cheuse reviews the novel, which is told through a 9-year old narrator who lost his father in the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center towers. NPR Radio, March 28, 2005 - Literary wunderkind turns 35: "Foer seeks answers through more than just writing. He has a talent for reinventing things – such as books, sketches and found objects – by juxtaposing them in new ways, with things he either creates or happens upon." CNN; March 5, 2012