Ellis, Bret Easton: *1964

Less Than Zero, 1985 - Summary

  • The novel follows Clay, an 18-year-old college freshman, as he returns home to Los Angeles for winter break. Clay's wealthy, dysfunctional friends are stuck in a cycle of drug abuse, casual sex, and materialism.
    Clay reconnects with his ex-girlfriend Blair and his old friend Julian, both of whom are struggling with addiction. He attends endless parties fueled by drugs and alcohol, where he exhibits a sense of numb shock at the behavior of his friends. Scenes include a casual homosexual encounter, heroin parties, a snuff film viewing, male prostitution, and the kidnapping and rape of a young girl.
    Despite the shocking incidents, the main conflicts are Clay's mixed feelings about losing touch with Julian and breaking up with Blair.
    By the end, Clay realizes his friends have become cruel and apathetic due to their privileges, and he struggles with whether to care about the events unfolding around him.

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