Cooper, J. California: 1931 - 2014

Family, 1991 - Summary

  • The narrative begins with Clora's ghost at the start of slavery and her early life.
    Clora's mother Fammy, who was constantly raped by the Master and bore him nine children, kills both herself and the Master after enduring so much pain. After Fammy's death, Clora is raised by another slave named Elliz. The Master's son takes over the land and continues the reign of terror, raping Clora even before she turns twelve. Clora has four children with the young master - Always, Sun, Peach, and Plum.
    Always, Clora's oldest daughter, is darker than her lighter-skinned siblings Sun and Peach who are able to pass for white and escape to a better life. Despite being told she is nothing, Always strives to make the best of her situation, learning to read and work the land prosperously. She survives the Civil War and lives to see emancipation, though racism replaces slavery and humankind continues to suffer from its divisions.
    The novel weaves the family's bloodline, showing how from one woman can come descendants of all different colors and nationalities, demonstrating that we are truly one family despite divisions. Clora's spirit narrates the story of her descendants' survival and triumph over the adversity of slavery.

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