Boyle, T.C.: *1948

The Tortilla Curtain, 1995 - Information about the Book

  • General Information
  • Facts
    • Awards: Winner of the 1997 French Prix Médicis Étranger prize for best foreign novel.
    • Glossary
    • Characters

    • Immigration and the American Dream
      The novel contrasts the struggles of illegal Mexican immigrants Candido and America trying to achieve the American Dream with the privileged lives of wealthy Americans Delaney and Kyra. It highlights the harsh realities and exploitation faced by undocumented immigrants in their pursuit of a better life. The "tortilla curtain" itself symbolizes the divide between these two worlds.

      Racism and Xenophobia
      Boyle examines the racism, prejudices, and fear (xenophobia) that many Americans harbor towards Mexican immigrants, viewing them as a threat to their way of life. The novel exposes the hypocrisy of professing liberal values while still exhibiting racist attitudes.

      Social Class and Inequality
      The stark divide between the upper-middle class whites and the impoverished Mexican immigrants lays bare the deep economic inequalities in American society. Their conflicting worldviews and access to resources are shaped by their social class.

      Human vs Nature Conflict
      The novel juxtaposes the pristine gated community of Arroyo Blanco with the harsh natural environment of the canyon where the immigrants live. This explores humanity's complex relationship with nature and the desire to control the wilderness.

      Gender Roles
      Boyle contrasts the more progressive gender roles of Delaney and Kyra with the traditional machismo attitudes of Candido towards his wife America working.

      In essence, The Tortilla Curtain provides a nuanced critique of the American Dream and exposes the nation's struggles with immigration, racism, inequality, and environmental issues.

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    • Author Reader's Guide. (Interview and discussion questions)
    • Spanish-English Glossary for the vocabulary used in The Tortilla Curtain

    • Many readers and critics praise the novel for its incisive social commentary.

      Boyle's writing style is often lauded for its vivid descriptions and engaging prose. His ability to create tension and evoke emotion adds depth to the story and keeps readers invested in the narrative.

      Some critics argue that Boyle's portrayal of characters, particularly the Mexican immigrants, relies on stereotypes and lacks nuance. This has led to discussions about whether the novel reinforces certain prejudices rather than dismantling them.

      The novel's bleak portrayal of the American Dream and the harsh realities faced by immigrants can be seen as overly pessimistic. Some readers feel that the lack of hope or resolution might detract from the overall message.

      While the social issues addressed in the book are compelling, some readers find the plot to be uneven and the pacing slow at times. This can affect the overall readability and engagement with the story.

      Overall, "The Tortilla Curtain" remains a significant work in contemporary American literature, valued for its ambitious exploration of timely and relevant social issues despite some criticisms regarding its execution.

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    • Reader Rating:
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