Aw, Tash: *1971

Information by Tash Aw

  • His Own Life
  • Articles
    • Tash Aw discusses with Machael Cunningham Michael's book "Day"
    • Tash Aw talks about why, despite living thousands of miles away, his stories always lead back home.
    • Writing into Silence. Willa Glickman, The New York Review, talks with Tash Aw about the Malayan Emergency conflict of 1948-1960. May 13, 2023
    • People With My Kind of Upbringing Were Not Destined to Be Writers: "I have relatives who still struggle in jobs in factories or who run small shops in dying rural communities. The reality is that the Asian Dream—this idea that all we have to do is work hard and life will be glorious—has not come true for everyone." Electric Lit; September 3, 2019
    • Podcast
      Tash Aw discusses his new novel "We the Survivors," about a man born in a Malaysian fishing village who tries to make his way in a country and society that is transforming.
    • Podcast
      Tash Aw talks with Chimamanda Adichie about his novel "We, the Survivors,"" touching on questions of representation (or the lack of it), the intersections of poverty and violence, and the evolving state of immigrant literature.