Angelou, Maya: 1928 - 2014


  •    In 2002 Maya Angelou signed a contract with the Hallmark Card company for gifts and paper cards. The collection is called Maya Angelou Life Mosaic.

    The Guardian crititicizes May Angelou for hawking her new line of products in a joint venture with the Hallmark Card company. January 19, 02

    To these accusations May Angelou answered, "I was once told that I shouldn't do it because the person said, 'You are the people's poet, the most popular poet in the United States, and you shouldn't trivialize your work.' So when I hung up the phone and thought about it, I said, 'If I'm the people's poet, then my work should be in the people's hands. There are many people who will never buy a book, but who would buy a card.' So I thought no, no. I'm going to do it." From the New York Times article.

  • Why Maya Angelou Partnered with Hallmark: "Angelou’s words stirred emotions, though her life was no simple greeting card." The National Endowment for the Humanities; Winter 2021