Achebe, Chinua: 1930 -2013
Things Fall Apart, 1958 - Teaching
- If you have any study help you would like to share, please get in contact with SwissEduc.
- Study Guides | Other Teaching Help
- Study Guides
- The Practical English Teacher
- How To Approach "Things Fall Apart"
- Course Hero
- Edsitement
- Nebraska Dept. of Education
- Penguin
- Shmoop
- Introduction. background, discussion starters
- 'New English' in "Things Fall Apart": "Writing in English, the language of the imperialist conquerors of Nigeria, Achebe’s stated goal was to create a “new” and more African English in order to record and preserve African oral traditions". Lesson Plan from Edsitement
- Oral and Literary Strategies: "This lesson introduces students to Achebe’s first novel and to strategies of close reading and textual analysis". Lesson Plan from Edsitement
- Lesson Plan: "This lesson introduces students to Achebe's first novel and to his views on the role of the writer in his or her society." Lesson Plan from Edsitement
- Collection of Lesson Plans
The following sites may also have study guides, but most of the time you have to pay or can access only some parts of the guides:
Teachers Pay Teachers | BookRags | Grade Saver | Super Summary
- Other Teaching Help
- Reading and Study Questions. This site also points out the similarities between "Things Fall Apart" and classical tragedies like Oedipus and Hamlet.
- "Things Fall Apart" As a Postcolonial Novel. Information and discussion ideas.