With friends at Steigletscher

Jürg makes a deliberate effort to visit the tongue of Steigletscher every year in order to take repeat photos from fixed locations. This particular time he was accompanied by friends from Italy, including Stromboli online team member Marco Fulle (behind the camera).

With friends at Steigletscher
Franca, Jürg and Boris on the 1920 terminal moraine.
With friends at Steigletscher
No further progress here... (until next year's terminal recession).
With friends at Steigletscher
International reunion (right to left): Franca (IT), Boris (RU, IT), dog and Jürg (CH).
With friends at Steigletscher
On crampons - a new experience for Franca. Well done!
All photos Marco Fulle, August 2005